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Ryzhov Ivan Mikhailovich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Synthesis of pseudocyclic peptide of protein S of SARS-CoV-2 and its interaction with diagnostically significant antibodies of COVID-19 patients

    Mendeleev Commun., 34:4 (2024),  499–501
  2. Synthesis of N-acetyllactosamine based branched hexasaccharide

    Mendeleev Commun., 29:6 (2019),  680–682
  3. Synthesis of glycans functioning as antigens of the ABO blood group system

    Mendeleev Commun., 29:6 (2019),  597–612
  4. Synthesis of GalNGcα1-3GalNAcα disaccharide and its interaction with human blood antibodies

    Mendeleev Commun., 29:3 (2019),  254–255
  5. Synthesis of H (type 4) trisaccharide, key structural fragment of globo-H and fucosyl-GM1 cancer-associated antigens

    Mendeleev Commun., 28:4 (2018),  421–422
  6. Block synthesis of blood group tetrasaccharides B (types 1, 3 and 4)

    Mendeleev Commun., 19:3 (2009),  152–154

© Steklov Math. Inst. of RAS, 2025