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Zagrebnov Valentin Anatol'evich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. A characterization of Gibbs semigroups

    TMF, 218:1 (2024),  88–101
  2. Operator-norm Trotter product formula on Banach spaces

    Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat., 87:5 (2023),  99–123
  3. Comments on the Chernoff estimate

    Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, 13:1 (2022),  17–23
  4. Construction of dynamical semigroups by a functional regularization à la Kato

    TMF, 204:1 (2020),  46–69
  5. Bogoliubov quasiaverages: Spontaneous symmetry breaking and the algebra of fluctuations

    TMF, 194:2 (2018),  187–223
  6. On convergence rate estimates for approximations of solution operators for linear non-autonomous evolution equations

    Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, 8:2 (2017),  202–215
  7. A model of nonautonomous dynamics driven by repeated harmonic interaction

    TMF, 187:3 (2016),  531–559
  8. A new model for quantum dot light emitting-absorbing devices: proofs and supplements

    Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, 6:1 (2015),  6–45
  9. A New Model of Quantum Dot Light Emitting-Absorbing Devices

    Zh. Mat. Fiz. Anal. Geom., 10:3 (2014),  350–385
  10. Diffusion and Laplacian transport for absorbing domains

    Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, 4:4 (2013),  446–466
  11. Diffusion and Laplacian transport

    TMF, 168:3 (2011),  376–388
  12. From Laplacian transport to Dirichlet-to-Neumann (Gibbs) semigroups

    Zh. Mat. Fiz. Anal. Geom., 4:4 (2008),  551–568
  13. Rigidity of the critical phases on a Cayley tree

    Mosc. Math. J., 1:3 (2001),  345–363
  14. The ensemble equivalence problem for Bose systems (nonideal Bose gas)

    TMF, 69:3 (1986),  420–438
  15. Description of limit gibbs states for Curie–Weiss–Ising model

    TMF, 66:1 (1986),  109–120
  16. Some classes of exactly soluble models of problems in quantum statistical mechanics: the method of the approximating Hamiltonian

    Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 39:6(240) (1984),  3–45
  17. A new proof and generalization of the Bogolyubov–Ruelle theorem

    TMF, 51:3 (1982),  389–402
  18. Singular potentials of interaction in quantum statistical mechanics

    Tr. Mosk. Mat. Obs., 41 (1980),  101–120
  19. Phase transitions in spin systems with frustration

    TMF, 44:2 (1980),  217–223
  20. Singular interaction potentials in classical statistical mechanics

    TMF, 36:3 (1978),  352–372
  21. On the definition of the vacuum in the Gravitational field; the $\Re$ vacuum

    TMF, 33:1 (1977),  3–16
  22. Quantum particle creation (Hawking effect) in nonstationary black holes

    TMF, 29:2 (1976),  191–204
  23. A rigorous result on systems that interact with a boson field

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 225:1 (1975),  71–73
  24. Asymptotically exact solution of the generalized Dicke model

    TMF, 22:1 (1975),  20–30
  25. On the application of field-theory methods in the Ising model II. Calculation of the critical index $\eta$

    TMF, 15:3 (1973),  417–426
  26. Application of field theory methods in the Ising model. I

    TMF, 14:2 (1973),  272–276
  27. Spin-phonon interaction in the ising model

    TMF, 10:1 (1972),  127–142

  28. Robert Adol'fovich Minlos (28 February 1931 – 9 January 2018)

    TMF, 195:1 (2018),  3–5
  29. Viacheslav Borisovich Priezzhev (06.09.1944 – 31.12.2017)

    TMF, 194:3 (2018),  383–384
  30. Конструктивная квантовая теория поля

    UFN, 117:4 (1975),  719–721

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