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Malikov Dmitrii A

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. The use of 100% diphenyl(dibutylcarbamoylmethyl)phosphine oxide in the extraction of metals from nitric acid solutions

    Mendeleev Commun., 7:5 (1997),  193–195
  2. A new method of americium and curium extraction from nitric acid solutions using diphenyl[dibutylcarbamoylmethyl]phosphine oxide

    Mendeleev Commun., 7:4 (1997),  135–137
  3. A behavioural study of some transplutonium elements in condensed phosphate solutions

    Mendeleev Commun., 6:6 (1996),  226–228
  4. Behaviour of transplutonium and rare earth elements in acidic and alkaline solutions of potassium ferricyanide

    Mendeleev Commun., 6:5 (1996),  173–174
  5. Stability Constants of Acetylacetonate Complexes of Tetravalent Berkelium

    Mendeleev Commun., 5:2 (1995),  74–76

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