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Romanovskii Nikolai Semenovich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Algebraic closures in divisible rigid groups

    Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 65:4 (2024),  727–734
  2. Generic types and generic elements in divisible rigid groups

    Algebra Logika, 62:1 (2023),  102–113
  3. Divisible rigid groups. Morley rank

    Algebra Logika, 61:3 (2022),  308–333
  4. Groups universally equivalent to the solvable Baumslag–Soliter group

    Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 63:1 (2022),  197–201
  5. Two facts on model theory for divisible rigid groups

    Algebra Logika, 60:3 (2021),  353–357
  6. Coordinate groups of irreducible algebraic sets over divisible metabelian $r$-groups

    Algebra Logika, 60:2 (2021),  176–194
  7. Divisible rigid groups. IV. Definable subgroups

    Algebra Logika, 59:3 (2020),  344–366
  8. Metabelian pro-$p$-groups with a single relation

    Algebra Logika, 59:1 (2020),  116–122
  9. On the universal theories of generalized rigid metabelian groups

    Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 61:5 (2020),  1101–1107
  10. Elementary equivalence and direct product decompositions of partially commutative groups of varieties

    Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 61:3 (2020),  681–686
  11. Equational noethericity of metabelian $r$-groups

    Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 61:1 (2020),  194–200
  12. Finite homomorphic images of groups of finite rank

    Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 60:3 (2019),  483–488
  13. Generalized rigid metabelian groups

    Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 60:1 (2019),  194–200
  14. Divisible Rigid Groups. III. Homogeneity and Quantifier Elimination

    Algebra Logika, 57:6 (2018),  733–748
  15. Divisible rigid groups. II. Stability, saturation, and elementary submodels

    Algebra Logika, 57:1 (2018),  43–56
  16. Generalized rigid groups: definitions, basic properties, and problems

    Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 59:4 (2018),  891–896
  17. Vitaliy Sushchansky (11.11.1946 – 29.10.2016)

    Algebra Discrete Math., 23:2 (2017),  C–F
  18. Divisible rigid groups. Algebraic closedness and elementary theory

    Algebra Logika, 56:5 (2017),  593–612
  19. Model-theoretic aspects of the theory of divisible rigid soluble groups

    Algebra Logika, 56:1 (2017),  121–125
  20. Partially divisible completions of rigid metabelian pro-$p$-groups

    Algebra Logika, 55:5 (2016),  571–586
  21. Decomposition of a group over an Abelian normal subgroup

    Algebra Logika, 55:4 (2016),  478–492
  22. Algebraic sets in a finitely generated rigid $2$-step solvable pro-$p$-group

    Algebra Logika, 54:6 (2015),  733–747
  23. $\mathbb Q$-completions of free solvable groups

    Algebra Logika, 54:2 (2015),  193–211
  24. Hilbert's Nullstellensatz in algebraic geometry over rigid soluble groups

    Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat., 79:5 (2015),  201–214
  25. Rigid metabelian pro-$p$-groups

    Algebra Logika, 53:2 (2014),  162–177
  26. Irreducibility of an affine space in algebraic geometry over a group

    Algebra Logika, 52:3 (2013),  386–391
  27. Universal theories for free solvable groups

    Algebra Logika, 51:3 (2012),  385–391
  28. Universal theories for rigid soluble groups

    Algebra Logika, 50:6 (2011),  802–821
  29. Coproducts of rigid groups

    Algebra Logika, 49:6 (2010),  803–818
  30. Irreducible algebraic sets over divisible decomposed rigid groups

    Algebra Logika, 48:6 (2009),  793–818
  31. Equational Noetherianness of rigid soluble groups

    Algebra Logika, 48:2 (2009),  258–279
  32. Divisible rigid groups

    Algebra Logika, 47:6 (2008),  762–776
  33. Noetherianness of wreath products of Abelian Lie algebras with respect to equations of universal enveloping algebra

    Algebra Logika, 47:4 (2008),  475–490
  34. Algebraic sets in metabelian groups

    Algebra Logika, 46:4 (2007),  503–513
  35. The property of being equationally Noetherian for some soluble groups

    Algebra Logika, 46:1 (2007),  46–59
  36. The Word Problem for Polynilpotent Groups with a Single Primitive Defining Relation

    Algebra Logika, 45:1 (2006),  28–43
  37. Irreducible Algebraic Sets in Metabelian Groups

    Algebra Logika, 44:5 (2005),  601–621
  38. Metabelian Products of Groups

    Algebra Logika, 43:3 (2004),  341–352
  39. On some elementary properties of soluble groups of derived length 2

    Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 44:2 (2003),  438–443
  40. Quasivarieties and $q$-Compact Classes of Abelian Groups

    Algebra Logika, 40:6 (2001),  675–684
  41. On Shmel'kin embeddings for abstract and profinite groups

    Algebra Logika, 38:5 (1999),  598–612
  42. On a Freiheitssatz for products of groups

    Algebra Logika, 38:3 (1999),  354–367
  43. Normal automorphisms of free solvable pro-$p$-groups

    Algebra Logika, 36:4 (1997),  441–453
  44. Normal automorphisms of a pro-$p$-group that is free in the variety $\mathscr{N}_2\mathscr{A}$

    Algebra Logika, 35:3 (1996),  249–267
  45. Normal automorphisms of free $2$-step solvable pro-$p$-groups

    Algebra Logika, 32:4 (1993),  441–449
  46. Nilpotent groups of finite algorithmic dimension

    Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 30:1 (1989),  82–88
  47. A generalized theorem on freedom for pro-$p$-groups

    Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 27:2 (1986),  154–170
  48. An example of a $\gamma$-diagram of groups, which is not a diagram of a nilpotent completion

    Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 26:4 (1985),  194–195
  49. The word problem for centrally metabelian groups

    Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 23:4 (1982),  201–205
  50. On the elementary theory of an almost polycyclic group

    Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 111(153):1 (1980),  135–143
  51. The embedding problem for abelian-by-nilpotent groups

    Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 21:2 (1980),  170–174
  52. Free subgroups of finitely-presented groups

    Algebra Logika, 16:1 (1977),  88–97
  53. Certain algorithmic problems for solvable groups

    Algebra Logika, 13:1 (1974),  26–34
  54. A freedom theorem for groups with one defining relation in the varieties of solvable and nilpotent groups of given lengths

    Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 89(131):1(9) (1972),  93–99
  55. Identity bases for certain matrix groups

    Algebra Logika, 10:4 (1971),  401–406
  56. Subgroups of general and special linear groups over a ring

    Mat. Zametki, 9:6 (1971),  699–708
  57. Generating and defining relations of the full linear group over a local ring

    Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 12:4 (1971),  922–925
  58. Algorithmic questions for $\sigma $-powered groups

    Algebra Logika, 8:6 (1969),  643–659
  59. Finite approximabiliyt of free products with respect to occurrence

    Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat., 33:6 (1969),  1324–1329
  60. Subgroups between special linear groups over a ring and its subring

    Mat. Zametki, 6:3 (1969),  335–345
  61. Letter to the editor

    Algebra Logika, 7:3 (1968),  123
  62. Maximal subrings of the field $Q$ and maximal subgroups of the group ${\rm SL}(n,\,Q)$

    Algebra i Logika. Sem., 6:4 (1967),  75–82

  63. Viktor Danilovich Mazurov (on his 80th birthday)

    Algebra Logika, 62:1 (2023),  I–V
  64. In memory of Valeriy Matveevich Kopytov

    Algebra Logika, 61:6 (2022),  I–IV
  65. Ualbai Utmakhanbetovich Umirbaev (on his 60th birthday)

    Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 76:2(458) (2021),  187–192
  66. Evgenii Andreevich Palyutin (1945–2018)

    Sib. Èlektron. Mat. Izv., 16 (2019),  1–10
  67. Efim Isaakovich Zelmanov is 60 years old

    Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 71:4(430) (2016),  193–199
  68. Koibaev Vladimir Amurkhanovich (on his 60th birthday)

    Vladikavkaz. Mat. Zh., 17:2 (2015),  68–70

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