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Novodvorskii M E

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Euler products for the full linear and symplectic groups

    Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 29:1(175) (1974),  177–178
  2. Uniqueness of certain functionals on representations of $p$-adic unitary groups

    Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 7:3 (1973),  90–91
  3. Certain eigenfunctionals on representations of the group $GL(n)$

    Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 28:4(172) (1973),  221–222
  4. Uniqueness of the generalized Bessel model of representations of simple groups of rank one

    Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 28:2(170) (1973),  241–242
  5. On zeta-functions of infinite-dimensional representations

    Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 92(134):4(12) (1973),  507–517
  6. On uniqueness theorems for generalized Bessel models

    Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 90(132):2 (1973),  275–287
  7. Generalized Bessel models for a symplectic group of rank 2

    Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 90(132):2 (1973),  246–256
  8. Representations of certain adele groups

    Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 27:3(165) (1972),  206
  9. On some subspaces in representations of degree two matrix groups with coefficients from a locally compact disconnected field

    Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 88(130):3(7) (1972),  360–375
  10. On certain stationary vectors in infinite-dimensional representations of Chevalley groups

    Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 5:1 (1971),  87–88
  11. Spaces of irreducible representations of the groups $PL(2)$

    Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 26:6(162) (1971),  249–250
  12. On certain eigenvectors in discrete representations of Chevalley groups

    Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 86(128):4(12) (1971),  538–551
  13. Some remarks on the torsion of elliptic curves

    Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 82(124):2(6) (1970),  309–316
  14. On representations of totally disconnected topological groups and their Hecke algebras over number fields

    Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 82(124):1(5) (1970),  67–71
  15. Infinite-dimensional Abelian varieties and unitary representations of groups

    Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 77(119):1 (1968),  3–20
  16. On some groups of motions of noncompact nonsingular symmetric spaces of rank 1

    Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 75(117):2 (1968),  235–240
  17. Certain homotopic invariants of the space of maximal ideals

    Mat. Zametki, 1:4 (1967),  487–494

  18. Letter to the Editor

    Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 97(139):2(6) (1975),  316

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