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Ivanov M I

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Gauge transformation and generating operators for a quadratic bundle

    TMF, 77:1 (1988),  60–76
  2. Scattering by rigid mobile inclusion

    Zap. Nauchn. Sem. LOMI, 156 (1986),  61–68
  3. Long wave asymptotics in elastic wave scattering problems

    Zap. Nauchn. Sem. LOMI, 156 (1986),  6–19
  4. Hamiltonian structure of multicomponent nonlinear Schrödinger equations in difference form

    TMF, 52:1 (1982),  89–104
  5. Hamiltonian structures for nonlinear evolution equations associated with polynomial bundles

    Zap. Nauchn. Sem. LOMI, 120 (1982),  55–68
  6. Quadratic bundle and nonlinear equations

    TMF, 44:3 (1980),  342–357
  7. Field equation for arbitrary hadrons and parity operators

    TMF, 43:3 (1980),  350–355
  8. Field equation for baryons with arbitrary spin (Generalization of the Dirac equation)

    TMF, 40:1 (1979),  64–76
  9. Admissible complete sets in ladder $U(6,6)$-symmetry

    TMF, 29:3 (1976),  417–423
  10. Complete ladder sets for $U(6, 6)$

    TMF, 24:3 (1975),  315–324
  11. New conservation laws in strong interactions in the framework of ladder $U(6,6)$-symmetry

    TMF, 20:1 (1974),  78–84
  12. Hadron states in the scheme of ladder $U(6,6)$ symmetry

    TMF, 14:1 (1973),  56–69

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