Publications in Math-Net.Ru
Technique of mathematical modeling of operation modes for multipurpose isochronous cyclotrons
Vestnik TVGU. Ser. Prikl. Matem. [Herald of Tver State University. Ser. Appl. Math.], 2010, no. 16, 55–68
Numerical investigation of the dynamics of polaron states
Vestnik TVGU. Ser. Prikl. Matem. [Herald of Tver State University. Ser. Appl. Math.], 2009, no. 13, 5–14
Mathematical modelling of thermal processes in materials at irradiation by ions with high energies
Vestnik TVGU. Ser. Prikl. Matem. [Herald of Tver State University. Ser. Appl. Math.], 2009, no. 12, 17–27
Numerical simulation of the process of heat and moisture transfer in porous materials
Vestnik TVGU. Ser. Prikl. Matem. [Herald of Tver State University. Ser. Appl. Math.], 2008, no. 8, 51–57
Investigation of boundary-value problems for the singular perturbed differential equation of high order
Mat. Model., 19:11 (2007), 65–79
Construction of an asymptotic approximation of eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of a boundary value problem for the singular perturbed relativistic analog of the Schrodinger equation with an arbitrary potential
Mat. Model., 15:9 (2003), 3–16
An Asymptotic Approximation to the Solutions and Eigenvalues of a Boundary Value Problem for
a Singularly Perturbed Relativistic Analog of the Schrödinger Equation
Differ. Uravn., 37:1 (2001), 83–90
Two-body relativistic equations for the bound-state problem with coulomb and linear potentials
Mat. Model., 12:12 (2000), 79–96
On numerical investigation of eigenvalue problems in momentum space
Mat. Model., 9:10 (1997), 111–119
Numerical investigation of quantumfield model of strong-coupling binucleon
Mat. Model., 9:8 (1997), 51–59
Numerical analysis of a quarkonium model at finite temperature
Mat. Model., 9:3 (1997), 73–90
On some problems of numerical investigation of the quarkonium model with the coulomb and linear potentials
Mat. Model., 7:7 (1995), 34–48
The simulation of high energy charged particles motion in the summary dipole magnetic field and uniform magnetic field
Mat. Model., 7:6 (1995), 32–53
Numerical investigation of Schwinger–Dyson and Bhete–Salpeter equations with Gauss potential at the framework of the quarkonium model
Mat. Model., 6:7 (1994), 55–70
Some problems of accelerator mathematical simulation
Mat. Model., 6:6 (1994), 32–46
Averaging equations of betatron oscillations in the vicinity of resonances in cyclic accelerators
Mat. Model., 2:3 (1990), 43–54
Analytic properties of quasipotential scattering amplitude in the complex planes of the rapidity and the angular momentum
TMF, 40:3 (1979), 384–393
Variable phase method for quasipotential equation in terms of rapidities
TMF, 36:1 (1978), 42–52
Three-dimensional formulation of the relativistic two-body problem in terms of rapidities
TMF, 30:3 (1977), 333–345
Description of triple collisions in the theory of strong interchannel coupling
TMF, 3:3 (1970), 392–404
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