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Bolotovskii Boris Mikhailovich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Visible shape of moving bodies

    UFN, 189:10 (2019),  1084–1103
  2. Transition radiation at the boundary of a black body

    Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 90:6 (2009),  486–488
  3. Vavilov–Cherenkov radiation: discovery and applications

    UFN, 179:11 (2009),  1161–1173
  4. Features of the transition radiation field

    UFN, 179:5 (2009),  517–524
  5. Transition radiation on a thin lens

    Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 86:1 (2007),  8–10
  6. Radiation of superluminal sources in empty space

    UFN, 175:9 (2005),  943–955
  7. Special features of motion of particles in an electromagnetic wave

    UFN, 173:6 (2003),  667–678
  8. Diffraction and diffraction radiation

    UFN, 170:8 (2000),  809–830
  9. Sergei Ivanovich Vavilov — the man and the scientist: a view from the threshold of the 21st century

    UFN, 168:5 (1998),  551–570
  10. On the force line representation of radiation fields

    UFN, 167:10 (1997),  1107–1111
  11. Details of the motion of charged nonrelativistic particles in a variable field

    UFN, 164:5 (1994),  545–547
  12. Law of conservation of energy for the electromagnetic field as applied to radiation by moving charged particles

    UFN, 162:3 (1992),  195–206
  13. Radiation from and energy loss by charged particles in moving media

    UFN, 162:2 (1992),  177–190
  14. Radiation by charges moving faster than light

    UFN, 160:6 (1990),  141–161
  15. Reflection of light from a moving mirror and related problems

    UFN, 159:1 (1989),  155–180
  16. High-frequency asymptotic behavior of radiation spectra of moving charges in classical electrodynamics

    UFN, 149:4 (1986),  709–722
  17. The emission of electromagnetic waves in the case of a smooth variation of parameters of a radiating system

    UFN, 136:3 (1982),  501–517
  18. Radiation of electromagnetic waves on instantaneous change of the state of the radiating system

    UFN, 126:2 (1978),  311–321
  19. A “paradox” of electrodynamics

    UFN, 119:2 (1976),  371–374
  20. Current status of the electrodynamics of moving media (infinite media)

    UFN, 114:4 (1974),  569–608
  21. The Vavilov–Cerenkov effect and the Doppler effect in the motion of sources with superluminal velocity in vacuum

    UFN, 106:4 (1972),  577–592
  22. Emission from charged particles in periodic structures

    UFN, 94:3 (1968),  378–416
  23. Diffraction radiation

    UFN, 88:2 (1966),  209–251
  24. Supplement to the article by S. Devons “Search for the magnetic monopole”

    UFN, 85:4 (1965),  761–762
  25. Radiation from a point-charge particle flying along the axis of a semiinfinite circular waveguide

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 156:5 (1964),  1072–1074
  26. The field of an electric charge carrying thread moving in the neighbourhood of a system of ideally conducting halfplanes

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 156:4 (1964),  770–773
  27. Theory of Cherenkov radiation (III)

    UFN, 75:2 (1961),  295–350
  28. Soviet scientists win the 1958 Nobel prize for physics

    UFN, 67:1 (1959),  163–169
  29. Теория эффекта Вавилова–Черенкова

    UFN, 62:3 (1957),  201–246

  30. In memory of Moisei Isaakovich Kaganov

    UFN, 190:2 (2020),  221–222
  31. Vladimir Ivanovich Ritus (on his 90th birthday)

    UFN, 187:7 (2017),  799–800
  32. I.M. Frank's papers on radiation from sources moving in refracting media (“optics of moving sources”)

    UFN, 179:4 (2009),  405–415
  33. Academician V. I. Veksler

    UFN, 177:8 (2007),  889–895
  34. Vladimir Ivanovich Ritus (on his eightieth birthday)

    UFN, 177:7 (2007),  801–802
  35. Vitalii Lazarevich Ginzburg (on his ninetieth birthday)

    UFN, 176:10 (2006),  1135–1136
  36. Простой вывод формулы $E=mc^2$

    Kvant, 2005, no. 6,  2–7
  37. In memory of Mikhail Adol'fovich Miller

    UFN, 175:2 (2005),  219–220
  38. In memory of Gelii Frolovich Zharkov

    UFN, 174:11 (2004),  1269–1270
  39. In memory of Aleksandr Il'ich Akhiezer

    UFN, 170:8 (2000),  917–918
  40. In memory of David Abramovich Kirzhnits

    UFN, 169:1 (1999),  107–108
  41. David Abramovich Kirzhnits (on his seventieth birthday)

    UFN, 166:10 (1996),  1143–1144
  42. Vitalii Lazarevich Ginzburg (on his eightieth birthday)

    UFN, 166:10 (1996),  1141–1142
  43. Igor' Pavlovich Stakhanov (Obituary)

    UFN, 155:4 (1988),  731–732
  44. On a textbook on physical optics

    UFN, 151:1 (1987),  183–185
  45. Vitalii Lazarevich Ginzburg (on his seventieth birthday)

    UFN, 150:2 (1986),  327–329
  46. Third Ail-Union Conference on Philosophical Problems of Modern Natural Science

    UFN, 137:1 (1982),  185–188
  47. Il'ya Mikhailovich Frank (on his seventieth birthday)

    UFN, 126:2 (1978),  343–347
  48. Vladimir Aleksandrovich Ugarov (Obituary)

    UFN, 124:2 (1978),  359–360
  49. Книга о Пауле Эренфесте

    UFN, 107:1 (1972),  173–174
  50. Viktor Iosifovich Levin (on his sixtieth birthday)

    Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 25:1(151) (1970),  205–210
  51. Избранные фундаментальные работы по физике

    UFN, 97:4 (1969),  750–753
  52. J.V. Jelley, “Cerenkov radiation and its applications”

    UFN, 69:4 (1959),  693–703

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