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Pochinka Olga Vital'evna

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Criterion for the existence of a connected characteristic space of orbits in a gradient-like diffeomorphism of a surface

    Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat., 88:3 (2024),  111–138
  2. Characteristic space of orbits of Morse–Smale diffeomorphisms on surfaces

    Mosc. Math. J., 24:1 (2024),  21–39
  3. Quasi-Energy Function for Morse–Smale 3-Diffeomorphisms with Fixed Points with Pairwise Different Indices

    Mat. Zametki, 115:4 (2024),  597–609
  4. Morse – Smale 3-Diffeomorphisms with Saddles of the Same Unstable Manifold Dimension

    Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn., 20:1 (2024),  167–178
  5. Hyperbolic Attractors Which are Anosov Tori

    Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 29:2 (2024),  369–375
  6. On Homeomorphisms of Three-Dimensional Manifolds with Pseudo-Anosov Attractors and Repellers

    Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 29:1 (2024),  156–173
  7. Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms with non-wandering points of pairwise different Morse indices on 3-manifolds

    Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 79:1(475) (2024),  135–184
  8. Classification of non-singular four-dimensional flows with a non-twisted saddle orbit

    Mat. Sb., 215:11 (2024),  65–91
  9. On the Minkowski dimension of some invariant sets of dynamical systems

    Zhurnal SVMO, 26:1 (2024),  32–43
  10. Scenario of stable transition from diffeomorphism of torus isotopic to identity one to skew product of rough transformations of circle

    Ufimsk. Mat. Zh., 16:1 (2024),  11–23
  11. Classification of Morse–Smale diffeomorphisms with a finite set of heteroclinic orbits on surfaces

    Mosc. Math. J., 23:4 (2023),  571–590
  12. Topology of Ambient 3-Manifolds of Non-Singular Flows with Twisted Saddle Orbit

    Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn., 19:3 (2023),  371–381
  13. On a Classification of Periodic Maps on the 2-Torus

    Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn., 19:1 (2023),  91–110
  14. Circular Fleitas Scheme for Gradient-Like Flows on the Surface

    Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 28:6 (2023),  865–877
  15. Knot as a complete invariant of a Morse-Smale 3-diffeomorphism with four fixed points

    Mat. Sb., 214:8 (2023),  94–107
  16. Knot as a complete invariant of the diffeomorphism of surfaces with three periodic orbits

    Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 64:4 (2023),  687–699
  17. Criterion for the Existence of an Energy Function for a Regular Homeomorphism of the 3-Sphere

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 321 (2023),  45–61
  18. Minimizing the number of heteroclinic curves of a 3-diffeomorphism with fixed points with pairwise different Morse indices

    TMF, 215:2 (2023),  311–317
  19. Topological conjugacy of gradient-like flows on surfaces and efficient algorithms for its distinguition

    CMFD, 68:3 (2022),  467–487
  20. Nonsingular Morse–Smale Flows with Three Periodic Orbits on Orientable $3$-Manifolds

    Mat. Zametki, 112:3 (2022),  426–443
  21. Components of Stable Isotopy Connectedness of Morse – Smale Diffeomorphisms

    Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 27:1 (2022),  77–97
  22. Bifurcations changing the homotopy type of the closure of an invariant saddle manifold of a surface diffeomorphism

    Mat. Sb., 213:3 (2022),  81–110
  23. Spherical flow diagram with finite hyperbolic chain-recurrent set

    Zhurnal SVMO, 24:2 (2022),  132–140
  24. Classification of the Morse - Smale flows on surfaces with a finite moduli of stability number in sense of topological conjugacy

    Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 29:6 (2021),  835–850
  25. Omega-classification of Surface Diffeomorphisms Realizing Smale Diagrams

    Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn., 17:3 (2021),  321–334
  26. Stable Arcs Connecting Polar Cascades on a Torus

    Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn., 17:1 (2021),  23–37
  27. Construction of the Morse –Bott Energy Function for Regular Topological Flows

    Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 26:4 (2021),  350–369
  28. Classification of periodic transformations of an orientable surface of genus two

    Zhurnal SVMO, 23:2 (2021),  147–158
  29. Realization of Homeomorphisms of Surfaces of Algebraically Finite Order by Morse–Smale Diffeomorphisms with Orientable Heteroclinic Intersection

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 315 (2021),  95–107
  30. On the connection of periodic homeomorphisms of a surface with Seifert manifolds and the Morse-Smale diffeomorphism

    Taurida Journal of Computer Science Theory and Mathematics, 2021, no. 3,  58–71
  31. On bifurcations that change the type of heteroclinic curves of a Morse-Smale $3$-diffeomorphism

    Taurida Journal of Computer Science Theory and Mathematics, 2021, no. 1,  101–114
  32. On embedding of the Morse–Smale diffeomorphisms in a topological flow

    CMFD, 66:2 (2020),  160–181
  33. A Morse Energy Function for Topological Flows with Finite Hyperbolic Chain Recurrent Sets

    Mat. Zametki, 107:2 (2020),  276–285
  34. The Topological Classification of Diffeomorphisms of the Two-Dimensional Torus with an Orientable Attractor

    Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn., 16:4 (2020),  595–606
  35. On Topological Classification of Gradient-like Flows on an $n$-sphere in the Sense of Topological Conjugacy

    Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 25:6 (2020),  716–728
  36. On the solution of the 33rd Palis–Pugh problem for gradient-like diffeomorphisms of a 2-sphere

    Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 75:2(452) (2020),  195–196
  37. Combinatorial invariant of Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms on surfaces with orientable heteroclinic

    Zhurnal SVMO, 22:1 (2020),  71–80
  38. Scenario of a Simple Transition from a Structurally Stable 3-Diffeomorphism with a Two-Dimensional Expanding Attractor to a DA Diffeomorphism

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 308 (2020),  152–166
  39. Dynamics of regular topological flows

    Taurida Journal of Computer Science Theory and Mathematics, 2020, no. 3,  77–91
  40. Modeling of gradient-like flows on $n$-sphere

    Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 27:6 (2019),  63–72
  41. On embedding of multidimensional Morse–Smale diffeomorphisms into topological flows

    Mosc. Math. J., 19:4 (2019),  739–760
  42. A Combinatorial Invariant of Morse–Smale Diffeomorphisms without Heteroclinic Intersections on the Sphere $S^n$, $n\ge 4$

    Mat. Zametki, 105:1 (2019),  136–141
  43. On a Class of Isotopic Connectivity of Gradient-like Maps of the 2-sphere with Saddles of Negative Orientation Type

    Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn., 15:2 (2019),  199–211
  44. Classification of Morse–Smale systems and topological structure of the underlying manifolds

    Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 74:1(445) (2019),  41–116
  45. On periodic mapping data of a two-dimensional torus with one saddle orbit

    Zhurnal SVMO, 21:2 (2019),  164–174
  46. One-Dimensional Reaction-Diffusion Equations and Simple Source-Sink Arcs on a Circle

    Nelin. Dinam., 14:3 (2018),  325–330
  47. A multicolour graph as a complete topological invariant for $\Omega$-stable flows without periodic trajectories on surfaces

    Mat. Sb., 209:1 (2018),  100–126
  48. Classification of rough transformations of a circle from a modern point of view

    Zhurnal SVMO, 20:4 (2018),  408–418
  49. On the dynamics of bifurcation diffeomorphisms of a simple arc

    Zhurnal SVMO, 20:1 (2018),  30–38
  50. About new invariants of kupka-smale diffeomorphisms on the sphere without sources and sinks

    Taurida Journal of Computer Science Theory and Mathematics, 2018, no. 3,  82–92
  51. Dynamical systems and topology of magnetic fields in conducting medium

    CMFD, 63:3 (2017),  455–474
  52. Construction of energetic functions for $\Omega$-stable diffeomorphisms on $2$- and $3$-manifolds

    CMFD, 63:2 (2017),  191–222
  53. An Analog of Smale's Theorem for Homeomorphisms with Regular Dynamics

    Mat. Zametki, 102:4 (2017),  613–618
  54. Scenario of reconnection in the solar corona with a simple discretization

    Nelin. Dinam., 13:4 (2017),  573–578
  55. On the Number of Heteroclinic Curves of Diffeomorphisms with Surface Dynamics

    Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 22:2 (2017),  122–135
  56. Realization of Morse–Smale diffeomorphisms on $3$-manifolds

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 297 (2017),  46–61
  57. Energy function for an $\Omega$-stable flow with a saddle connection on a sphere

    Taurida Journal of Computer Science Theory and Mathematics, 2017, no. 4,  51–58
  58. Morse–Smale systems and topological structure of supporting manifolds

    CMFD, 61 (2016),  5–40
  59. On $2$-diffeomorphisms with one-dimensional basic sets and a finite number of moduli

    Mosc. Math. J., 16:4 (2016),  727–749
  60. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the topological conjugacy of 3-diffeomorphisms with heteroclinic tangencies

    Tr. Mosk. Mat. Obs., 77:1 (2016),  83–102
  61. Efficient Algorithms for the Recognition of Topologically Conjugate Gradient-like Diffeomorhisms

    Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 21:2 (2016),  189–203
  62. On embedding Morse–Smale diffeomorphisms on the sphere in topological flows

    Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 71:6(432) (2016),  163–164
  63. Graph topological equivalence criterion for $\Omega$-stable flows on surfaces

    Zhurnal SVMO, 18:3 (2016),  41–48
  64. The graph criterion for the topological equivalence of $\Omega $ – stable flows without periodic trajectories on surfaces and efficient algorithm for its application

    Zhurnal SVMO, 18:2 (2016),  47–58
  65. Heteroclinic Curves of Gradient-like Diffeomorphsms and the Topology of Ambient Manifolds

    Zhurnal SVMO, 18:2 (2016),  11–15
  66. Diffeomorphisms of 3-manifolds with 1-dimensional basic sets exteriorly situated on 2-tori

    Zhurnal SVMO, 18:1 (2016),  17–26
  67. Rough diffeomorphisms with basic sets of codimension one

    CMFD, 57 (2015),  5–30
  68. The construction of an energy function for three-dimensional cascades with a two-dimensional expanding attractor

    Tr. Mosk. Mat. Obs., 76:2 (2015),  271–286
  69. Topological Classification of Structurally Stable 3-Diffeomorphisms with Two-Dimensional Basis Sets

    Mat. Zametki, 97:2 (2015),  318–320
  70. The criteria of the topological conjugacy of 3-diffeomorphisms with a finite number orbits of heteroclinic tangency

    Zhurnal SVMO, 17:4 (2015),  37–40
  71. Construction of an energy function for A-diffeomorphisms of two-dimensional non-wandering sets on 3-manifolds

    Zhurnal SVMO, 17:3 (2015),  12–17
  72. Topogically pseudocoherent diffeomorphisms of 3-manifolds

    Zhurnal SVMO, 17:2 (2015),  27–33
  73. Multicolored graph as a complete topological invariant for the flow with a finite number of singular trajectories on surfaces

    Zhurnal SVMO, 17:1 (2015),  65–70
  74. The topological classification of locally direct product of DA-diffeomorphism of a 2-torus and rough diffeomorphism of the circle

    Zhurnal SVMO, 17:1 (2015),  30–36
  75. The Energy Function of Gradient-Like Flows and the Topological Classification Problem

    Mat. Zametki, 96:6 (2014),  856–863
  76. On topological classification of diffeomorphisms on 3-manifolds with two-dimensional surface attractors and repellers

    Nelin. Dinam., 10:1 (2014),  17–33
  77. On the Dynamical Coherence of Structurally Stable 3-diffeomorphisms

    Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 19:4 (2014),  506–512
  78. A three-colour graph as a complete topological invariant for gradient-like diffeomorphisms of surfaces

    Mat. Sb., 205:10 (2014),  19–46
  79. Energy function as a complete topological invariant for gradient-like cascades on surfaces

    Zhurnal SVMO, 16:3 (2014),  57–61
  80. On topological conjugacy of 3-manifolds diffeomorphisms with one orbit of heteroclinic tangency

    Zhurnal SVMO, 16:2 (2014),  76–79
  81. Energy function for structurally stable 3-diffeomorphisms with two-dimensional expanding attractor

    Zhurnal SVMO, 16:2 (2014),  20–25
  82. On existence of magnetic lines joining zero points

    Zhurnal SVMO, 16:1 (2014),  8–15
  83. On the Simple Isotopy Class of a Source–Sink Diffeomorphism on the $3$-Sphere

    Mat. Zametki, 94:6 (2013),  828–845
  84. Realization of Cascades on Surfaces with Finitely Many Moduli of Topological Conjugacy

    Mat. Zametki, 93:6 (2013),  902–919
  85. Morse–Smale cascades on 3-manifolds

    Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 68:1(409) (2013),  129–188
  86. Necessary conditions for topological conjugacy of 3-manifolds diffeomorphisms with orbits of heteroclinic tangency

    Zhurnal SVMO, 15:4 (2013),  77–90
  87. Energy function for rough cascades on surfaces with nontrivial one-dimensional basic sets

    Zhurnal SVMO, 15:4 (2013),  9–14
  88. The example of a diffeomorfism «source-sink» which does not include to a smooth flow

    Zhurnal SVMO, 15:3 (2013),  123–125
  89. Energy function as complete topological invariant for the gradient-like flows with the saddle points of the same Morse index on 3-manifolds

    Zhurnal SVMO, 15:1 (2013),  16–22
  90. Embedding in a Flow of Morse–Smale Diffeomorphisms on Manifolds of Dimension Higher than Two

    Mat. Zametki, 91:5 (2012),  791–794
  91. On embedding a Morse-Smale diffeomorphism on a 3-manifold in a topological flow

    Mat. Sb., 203:12 (2012),  81–104
  92. Rough heteroclinic curves in neural networks

    Zhurnal SVMO, 14:4 (2012),  77–83
  93. Period-doubling bifurcation in a simple arc connecting Pixton's diffeomorphisms

    Zhurnal SVMO, 14:3 (2012),  74–79
  94. Energy function for diffeomorphisms on surfaces with finite hyperbolic chain recurrent set

    Zhurnal SVMO, 14:1 (2012),  98–106
  95. Complete topological invariant of Morse-Smale Diffeomorphism without heteroclinical intersections on Sphere $S^n$ of dimensional greater than three

    Zhurnal SVMO, 14:1 (2012),  16–24
  96. Dynamically ordered energy function for Morse–Smale diffeomorphisms on $3$-manifolds

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 278 (2012),  34–48
  97. Necessary and sufficient conditions for topological classification of Morse–Smale cascades on 3-manifolds

    Nelin. Dinam., 7:2 (2011),  227–238
  98. Complete topological invariant for Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms on 3-manifolds

    Zhurnal SVMO, 13:2 (2011),  17–24
  99. On a structure of the space wandering orbits of diffeomorphisms on surfaces with the finite hyperbolic chain recurrent set

    Zhurnal SVMO, 13:1 (2011),  63–70
  100. To a question on classification of diffeomorphisms of surfaces with a finite number of moduli of topological conjugacy

    Nelin. Dinam., 6:1 (2010),  91–105
  101. Dynamics of diffeomorphisms on surfaces with the finite number of topological conjugacy moduli

    Zhurnal SVMO, 12:2 (2010),  77–85
  102. Global attractor and repeller of Morse–Smale diffeomorphisms

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 271 (2010),  111–133
  103. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the topological conjugacy of surface diffeomorphisms with a finite number of orbits of heteroclinic tangency

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 270 (2010),  198–219
  104. Self-indexing energy function for Morse–Smale diffeomorphisms on 3-manifolds

    Mosc. Math. J., 9:4 (2009),  801–821
  105. Quasi-Energy Function for Diffeomorphisms with Wild Separatrices

    Mat. Zametki, 86:2 (2009),  175–183
  106. $f$-adapted filtration for Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms

    Trudy SVMO, 11:2 (2009),  26–34
  107. Realization of abstract scheme by diffeomorphism of surface with a finite number of moduli stability.

    Trudy SVMO, 11:1 (2009),  89–98
  108. Sufficient conditions of topological conjugacy of diffeomorphisms with heteroclinic contacts on surfaces

    Trudy SVMO, 10:2 (2008),  166–176
  109. Lyapunov functions for dynamical systems

    Trudy SVMO, 10:2 (2008),  11–20
  110. Topological conjugacy of gradient-like diffeomorphisms with unique heteroclinic curve on $\mathbf{S}^3$

    Trudy SVMO, 10:1 (2008),  241–250
  111. Diffeomorphisms of 3-sphere with wild frame of separatrices

    Trudy SVMO, 10:1 (2008),  132–137
  112. Bifurcations of Morse–Smale Diffeomorphisms with Wildly Embedded Separatrices

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 256 (2007),  54–69
  113. Classification of Morse–Smale Diffeomorphisms with a Finite Set of Heteroclinic Orbits on 3-Manifolds

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 250 (2005),  5–53

  114. Anatolii Mikhailovich Stepin (obituary)

    Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 77:2(464) (2022),  189–194
  115. To the 75th anniversary of Vyacheslav Zigmundovich Grines

    Zhurnal SVMO, 23:4 (2021),  472–476
  116. In memory of Spivak Semen Izrailevich

    Zhurnal SVMO, 22:4 (2020),  463–466
  117. Velmisov Petr Aleksandrovich (on his seventieth birthday)

    Zhurnal SVMO, 20:3 (2018),  338–340
  118. In memory of Boris Vladimirovich Loginov

    Zhurnal SVMO, 20:1 (2018),  103–106
  119. On the 80th anniversary of professor E.V. Voskresensky's birthday

    Zhurnal SVMO, 19:4 (2017),  95–99
  120. Вячеслав Зигмундович Гринес (к семидесятилетию со дня рождения)

    Zhurnal SVMO, 18:4 (2016),  168–171
  121. Energy functions for dynamical systems

    Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 15:2-3 (2010),  185–193

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