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Marinov M S

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Integral representations of holomorphic functions of one or several matrices

    Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 1991, no. 6,  24–28
  2. Relativistic strings and dual models of the strong interactions

    UFN, 121:3 (1977),  377–425
  3. On the production of $e^+e^-$-pairs from the vacuum under the influence of an electric field

    TMF, 17:1 (1973),  34–46
  4. Interaction of high-energy particles with deuterons

    UFN, 109:1 (1973),  137–156

  5. Групповой анализ релятивистских амплитуд

    UFN, 105:1 (1971),  167–168
  6. Теория симметрии элементарных частиц

    UFN, 96:3 (1968),  577–578

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