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Emel'yanov Vladimir Il'ich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Two-stage mechanism of formation of ordered surface nanostructures under atomic deposition

    Comp. nanotechnol., 2015, no. 4,  37–50
  2. Nanoscale boiling during single-shot femtosecond laser ablation of thin gold films

    Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 101:6 (2015),  428–432
  3. Formation of micro- and nanostructures on the surface of laser-created molten layer with inverted normal temperature gradient

    Comp. nanotechnol., 2014, no. 2,  28–39
  4. Thermocavitation melt instability and micro-crown formation near the threshold for femtosecond laser spallation of a silicon surface

    Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 100:3 (2014),  163–167
  5. Nanoscale hydrodynamic instability in a molten thin gold film induced by femtosecond laser ablation

    Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 99:9 (2014),  601–605
  6. On the possibility of increasing lifetime of a neutron generator target through laser-induced nanorelief generation at the film – substrate interface

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 44:9 (2014),  829–835
  7. Nonlinear regime of the excitation of a surface electromagnetic wave on the silicon surface by an intense femtosecond laser pulse

    Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 97:3 (2013),  139–144
  8. Defect — deformation theory of the formationof a nanoparticle ensemble with a bimodal size distributionon solids under cw laser irradiation

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 41:8 (2011),  738–741
  9. CW laser-induced formation of a nanoparticle ensemble with a bimodal size distribution on PbTe films

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 41:8 (2011),  735–737
  10. CW laser-induced generation of periodic ring structures on thin PbSe films

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 41:5 (2011),  441–446
  11. Cascaded second-harmonic generation, summation of the wave vectors of the bulk defect-deformation waves, and generation of multimode micro- and nanostructures by laser irradiation of solids

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 41:2 (2011),  145–148
  12. Femtosecond laser writing of subwave one-dimensional quasiperiodic nanostructures on a titanium surface

    Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 90:2 (2009),  116–120
  13. Three-wave interactions of surface defect-deformation waves and their manifestations in the self-organisation of nano- and microstructures in solids exposed to laser radiation

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 39:7 (2009),  678–684
  14. Defect-deformation mechanism of the size effect in the laser-induced formation of microstructures of the brass surface relief in liquid

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 38:7 (2008),  618–619
  15. Theory of formation of an ensemble of nanoclusters on the surface of CdTe crystals irradiated by a laser pulse

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 38:3 (2008),  245–250
  16. Self-organisation of ordered ensembles of nanoparticles upon laser-controlled deposition of atoms

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 36:6 (2006),  489–507
  17. Spatial self-organisation of a defect generation waveand laser-induced formation of ordered and crystallographic-oriented regions of optical damage in crystals

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 34:6 (2004),  531–536
  18. Quasi-hexagonal self-organization of nanoparticles upon the laser-controlled deposition of Ga atoms

    Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 76:2 (2002),  123–1
  19. Threshold nucleation of a nanometer-scale periodic adatom structure with the participation of a static surface acoustic wave

    Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 75:2 (2002),  109–112
  20. Defect – deformation nanometer self-organisation upon laser recrystallisation of thin amorphous films on substrates

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 32:9 (2002),  753–755
  21. Defect-deformation mechanism of spontaneous nucleation of an ensemble of pores in solids and its experimental verification

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 32:6 (2002),  473–475
  22. Electron gas compression and Coulomb explosion in the surface layer of a conductor heated by femtosecond laser pulse

    Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 73:12 (2001),  751–755
  23. Nonthermal structural transformation in quasi-monocrystalline graphite during $100$-fs laser pulse

    Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 73:9 (2001),  551–555
  24. Band gap collapse and ultrafast «cold» melting of silicon during femtosecond laser pulse

    Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 73:5 (2001),  263–267
  25. Structural transitions in GaAs during irradiation by a 100-fs laser pulse

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 31:7 (2001),  565–566
  26. Laser-induced self-organisation of coupled thermodeformation fields on surfaces of solids

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 31:2 (2001),  154–158
  27. Self-organisation of ordered defect — deformation microstructures and nanostructures on the surfaces of solids under the action of laser radiation

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 28:1 (1999),  2–18
  28. Ignition and propagation of a solitary wave of the formation of point defects as a result of intense laser generation of electron — hole pairs in semiconductors and dielectrics

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 25:11 (1998),  1017–1022
  29. Comments on F Kh Mirzoev's paper "Deformation instability and generation of ordered surface structures by laser radiation"

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 25:2 (1998),  190–192
  30. Wave of generation of point defects, ultrafast nucleation of clusters, and damage to transparent insulators

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 22:2 (1995),  99–100
  31. Mechanisms of the formation of ordered defect structures by the action of concentrated energy fluxes

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 21:8 (1994),  769–772
  32. Explosive breeding of point defects as a mechanism for multipulse damage to absorbing media

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 20:1 (1993),  57–61
  33. Laser-induced order–disorder phase transition and second harmonic generation with a threshold in fiber waveguides

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 18:2 (1991),  266–268
  34. Phase superlattice formation in the equilibrium metal – semiconductor phase transition in single-crystal $\mathrm{VO}_{2}$ films

    Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 32:10 (1990),  3083–3088
  35. Formation of periodic dislocation structures on a laser-irradiated semiconductor surface

    Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 32:9 (1990),  2529–2532
  36. Threshold appearance of a cooperative shift of the anti-Stokes radiation frequency under Raman scattering conditions

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 17:12 (1990),  1534–1535
  37. Laser generation of dislocations and mechanism of anisotropic melting of semiconductor surfaces

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 17:5 (1990),  648–650
  38. Impurity-induced and defect-induced shift of the metal–semiconductor phase transition temperature

    Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 31:10 (1989),  261–264

    Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 59:1 (1989),  98–106
  40. Formation of periodic defect structures on semiconductor surfaces under pulsed laser irradiation

    Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 30:8 (1988),  2259–2263
  41. Resonance quenching the mirror reflection under the excitation of surface electromagnetic-waves on nonmetallic periodic structures

    Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 13:11 (1987),  693–697
  42. Influence of second-order diffraction on linear and nonlinear optical effects near a surface with a periodic relief

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 14:10 (1987),  2028–2037
  43. Anomalously high absorptivity and anomalously fast heating of a rough surface of condensed media by electromagnetic radiation

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 14:1 (1987),  47–54
  44. Diffraction of light by a surface with a large amplitude of modulated relief and surface nonlinear optical effects

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 14:1 (1987),  33–46
  45. Spontaneous violation of the saturation symmetry of atomic transitions as a mechanism for a laser-induced phase transition in ruby

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 12:8 (1985),  1729–1733
  46. Interaction of powerful laser radiation with the surfaces of semiconductors and metals: nonlinear optical effects and nonlinear optical diagnostics

    UFN, 147:4 (1985),  675–745
  47. Theory of the formation of "normal" and "anomalous" gratings on the surfaces of absorbing condensed media exposed to laser radiation

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 11:11 (1984),  2283–2293
  48. Excitation of coupled capillary waves, diffracted electromagnetic waves, and surface structures as a result of interaction of high-power electromagnetic radiation with liquid metals, semiconductors, and insulators

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 11:5 (1984),  871–873
  49. Theory of formation of surface gratings under the action of laser radiation on surfaces of metals, semiconductors, and insulators

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 10:12 (1983),  2389–2398
  50. Giant Raman scattering of light by molecules adsorbed on the surface of a metal

    UFN, 135:2 (1981),  345–361
  51. Bistability and hysteresis of static polarization induced by laser illumination of crystals

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 7:7 (1980),  1510–1515
  52. Collective spontaneous emission (Dicke superradiance)

    UFN, 131:4 (1980),  653–694
  53. Effect of pump depletion on superradiance in Raman scattering of light

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 6:3 (1979),  635–638
  54. Nonlinear effects in generation of optical and acoustic phonons by infrared resonance radiation

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 4:9 (1977),  2043–2046
  55. Phase transition in a system of two-level atoms interacting with an electromagnetic field

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 3:4 (1976),  848–851
  56. Phase fluctuations in a parametric light source operating inside a laser resonator

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 1972, no. 6(12),  35–43
  57. Kinetic equations for a system of interacting electrons and photons

    TMF, 5:3 (1970),  446–452

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