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Petrosyan Al'bert Israelovich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Weighted spaces of functions harmonic in the unit ball

    Proceedings of the YSU, Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 51:1 (2017),  3–7
  2. Duality in some spaces of functions harmonic in the unit ball

    Proceedings of the YSU, Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 2013, no. 3,  29–36
  3. Bounded projectors on $L^p$ spaces in the unit ball

    Proceedings of the YSU, Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 2013, no. 1,  17–23
  4. On bounded operators in $L^p$ spaces

    Proceedings of the YSU, Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 2011, no. 2,  11–16
  5. On functions semi-analytical in the polydisk

    Proceedings of the YSU, Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 2009, no. 2,  3–7
  6. The parametric representation of the space $b^2_{\alpha}$ of harmonic functions

    Proceedings of the YSU, Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 2008, no. 2,  13–17
  7. Weighted classes of harmonic functions $b_{\alpha}^{ p}$

    Proceedings of the YSU, Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 2008, no. 1,  3–9
  8. On weighted classes of entire functions in $\mathbb{C}^n$

    Proceedings of the YSU, Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 2006, no. 1,  17–22
  9. Weighted integral representations of functions in polydisk

    Proceedings of the YSU, Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 1996, no. 1,  3–9
  10. Peak and interpolation sets for algebras of smooth functions in the polydisc and in the future tube

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 304:4 (1989),  800–802
  11. Uniform approximation of functions by polynomials on Weil polyhedra

    Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat., 34:6 (1970),  1241–1261

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