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Syromyatnikov Aleksandr Genrihovich

Speciality: 01.04.02 (Theoretical physics)
Birth date: 21.10.1955
Keywords: gravitation, torsion, nonmetricity, leptons, qwarcs, lepton dylaton current, antysymmetric B-string.


Conformal gauge theory of gravitation, standard Model ESW.

Main publications:
  1. Syromyatnikov A. G., “Problema kalibrovochnoi invariantnosti v teorii s dinamicheskim krucheniem”, TMF, 87:1 (1991), 157–160  mathnet
  2. Satarov A. G., Syromyatnikov A. G., “Nekotorye osobennosti dvukh podkhodov k affinnometricheskoi teorii gravitatsii”, TMF, 92:1 (1992), 150–153  mathnet  mathscinet
  3. Syromyatnikov A. G., “The g - 2 muon anomaly in di-muon production with the torsion in LHC”, DOI: /S0219887816500936, Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys., 13 No 7 \27 pages (2016)  crossref
  4. Syromyatnikov A. G., “On some features of possible torsion effects on observables at hadron colliders”, Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys, 2015, 1-47  mathscinet
  5. Syromyatnikov A. G., “Vzaimodeistvie v kvantovykh gravitiruyuschikh sistemakh”, Vestn. Sankt-Peterburgskogo un-ta. Ser. 4, 2009, № 4, 410–425

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

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