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Ishanov Sergei Aleksandrovich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Gradient-drift instability research in the region of developed equatorial plasma bubbles

    Mat. Model., 36:3 (2024),  87–95
  2. Three-dimensional numerical transfer model using a monotonized Z-scheme

    Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 63:9 (2023),  1553
  3. Determihation of gradient-drift instability parameters under conditions of multiple plasma bubbles

    Mat. Model., 34:12 (2022),  116–128
  4. Numerical model of transport in problems of instabilities of the Earth's low-latitude ionosphere using a two-dimensional monotonized Z-scheme

    Computer Research and Modeling, 13:5 (2021),  1011–1023
  5. A numerical method for solving two-dimensional convection equation based on the monotonized z-scheme for Earth ionosphere simulation

    Computer Research and Modeling, 12:1 (2020),  43–58
  6. A numerical study of the gradient-drift instability growth rate at the fronts of the equatorial plasma bubbles

    Mat. Model., 32:11 (2020),  129–140
  7. Simulation equatorial plasma bubbles started from plasma clouds

    Computer Research and Modeling, 11:3 (2019),  463–476
  8. The Rayleigh–Taylor instability development in the equatorial ionosphere and an initial irregularities geometry

    Mat. Model., 30:9 (2018),  21–32
  9. Efficient algorithms of numerical simulation of middle-scale irregularities in the low-latitude ionosphere

    Mat. Model., 29:4 (2017),  113–120
  10. Simulation of longitudinal variations of Earth ionosphere parameters

    Mat. Model., 28:3 (2016),  64–78
  11. A computational experiment in simulation of dynamical anthropogenic perturbations of ionosphere-magnitospheric plasma

    Mat. Model., 24:6 (2012),  128–136
  12. Algorithm of the "$\alpha-\beta$ " iterations in the tasks simulation of the ionospheric plasma

    Mat. Model., 21:1 (2009),  33–45
  13. Mathematical modeling of ionospheric process for radio-wave propagation

    Mat. Model., 20:4 (2008),  3–7
  14. Nonstationary processes arising from action on cosmic plasma

    Mat. Model., 18:7 (2006),  115–128
  15. Vibration and electron excitation species of upper atmosphere and Earth ionosphere

    Mat. Model., 18:5 (2006),  21–26

  16. In memory of Aleksandr Sergeevich Kholodov

    Mat. Model., 30:1 (2018),  135–136
  17. In memory of A. S. Kholodov

    Computer Research and Modeling, 9:5 (2017),  677–678

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