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Ritus Vladimir Ivanovich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Finite value of the bare charge and the relation of the fine structure constant ratio for physical and bare charges to zero-point oscillations of the electromagnetic field in a vacuum

    UFN, 192:5 (2022),  507–526
  2. Generalization of the $k$ coefficient method in relativity to an arbitrary angle between the velocity of an observer (source) and the direction of the light ray from (to) a faraway source (observer) at rest

    UFN, 190:6 (2020),  648–657
  3. V L Ginzburg and the Atomic Project

    UFN, 187:4 (2017),  444–449
  4. Lagrangian equations of motion of particles and photons in a Schwarzschild field

    UFN, 185:11 (2015),  1229–1234
  5. Work of the Tamm–Sakharov group on the first hydrogen bomb

    UFN, 184:9 (2014),  975–983
  6. Duality of two-dimensional field theory and four-dimensional electrodynamics leading to a finite value of the bare charge

    UFN, 183:6 (2013),  591–615
  7. Gravitational radiation of systems and the role of their force field

    UFN, 180:11 (2010),  1135–1165
  8. Permutation asymmetry of the relativistic velocity addition law and non-Euclidean geometry

    UFN, 178:7 (2008),  739–752
  9. On the difference between Wigner's and Møller's approaches to the description of Thomas precession

    UFN, 177:1 (2007),  105–112
  10. Stokes line width

    TMF, 92:1 (1992),  24–40
  11. Manifestation of the shift of accelerated charge mass in the generation of pairs by an electric field

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 275:3 (1984),  611–615
  12. Interaction of electrons and photons with a very strong electromagnetic field

    UFN, 100:4 (1970),  724–725

  13. In memory of Yurii Mikhailovich Romanovsky

    UFN, 193:2 (2023),  229–230
  14. In memory of Lev Petrovich Pitaevskii

    UFN, 193:2 (2023),  227–228
  15. Aleksandr Viktorovich Gurevich (on his 90th birthday)

    UFN, 190:11 (2020),  1225–1226
  16. Sergei Mikhailovich Stishov (on his 80th birthday)

    UFN, 187:12 (2017),  1403–1404
  17. In memory of V. Ya. Gol'din

    Matem. Mod., 26:7 (2014),  147–148
  18. A D Sakharov: personality and fate

    UFN, 182:2 (2012),  182–187
  19. In memory of Yurii Aleksandrovich Romanov

    UFN, 181:11 (2011),  1235–1236
  20. In memory of Vladimir Yakovlevich Fainberg

    UFN, 181:5 (2011),  563–564
  21. Leonid Veniaminovich Keldysh (on his 80th birthday)

    UFN, 181:4 (2011),  455–456
  22. Aleksandr Viktorovich Gurevich (on his 80th birthday)

    UFN, 180:9 (2010),  1005–1006
  23. Evgenii Grigorievich Maksimov (on his 70th birthday)

    UFN, 178:10 (2008),  1127–1128
  24. In memory of Evgenii L'vovich Feinberg

    UFN, 176:6 (2006),  683–684
  25. In memory of Gelii Frolovich Zharkov

    UFN, 174:11 (2004),  1269–1270
  26. Evgenii L'vovich Feinberg (on his ninetieth birthday)

    UFN, 172:6 (2002),  725–726
  27. Leonid Veniaminovich Keldysh (on his seventieth birthday)

    UFN, 171:4 (2001),  435–436
  28. Aleksandr Viktorovich Gurevich (on his seventieth birthday)

    UFN, 170:11 (2000),  1257–1258
  29. In memory of Efim Samoilovich Fradkin

    UFN, 169:11 (1999),  1281–1282
  30. In memory of David Abramovich Kirzhnits

    UFN, 169:1 (1999),  107–108
  31. David Abramovich Kirzhnits (on his seventieth birthday)

    UFN, 166:10 (1996),  1143–1144
  32. Vitalii Lazarevich Ginzburg (on his eightieth birthday)

    UFN, 166:10 (1996),  1141–1142
  33. Vitalii Lazarevich Ginzburg (on his seventieth birthday)

    UFN, 150:2 (1986),  327–329
  34. Efim Samoilovich Fradkin (on his sixtieth birthday)

    UFN, 142:3 (1984),  533–534

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