Molecular spectroscopy.
Luminescence of molecules and atoms.
Nonlinear optics.
Organic and organometall photovoltaics
Main publications:
N.A. Myslitskaya, I.G. Samusev, V.V. Bryukhanov, “Dipole-dipole electron excitation energy transfer in the system CdSe/ZnS quantum dot – eosin in butyral resin matrix”, Russ. Phys. J, 57:7 (2014), 52–59
V.V. Bryukhanov, A.V. Tcibulnikova, I.G. Samusev, V.A. Slezhkin, “Effect of silver nanoparticles on singlet-singlet energy transfer dinamics of luminofophores in thin films of polyvinyl alcohol”, J. Appl. Spectroscop, 81:4 (2014), 570–576
V.V. Bryukhanov, B.F. Minaev, A.V. Tsibulnikova, N.S. Tikhomirova, V.A. Slezhkin, “Plazmonnoe usilenie i tushenie fluorestsentsii i fosforestsentsii anionnykh i kationnykh krasitelei v razlichnykh sredakh”, Opticheskii zhurnal, 81:11 (2014), 7–14