Publications in Math-Net.Ru
Logics. Mathematics. Rationalism: from Parmenides to Heraclitus
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2023, 015, 44 pp.
The civilizational aspect of the reforms of the Russian economy
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2022, 094, 32 pp.
The impact of measures aimed at improving the welfare of the Russian population on macroeconomic dynamics
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2022, 042, 18 pp.
Nonlinear elite generation change model
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 30:4 (2022), 456–479
Amplitude equation formalism for reaction—subdiffusion systems
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2021, 093, 15 pp.
On the applied mathematics, artificial intelligence and computer calculations development
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2021, 069, 49 pp.
Linear stability analysis for reaction–subdiffusion system of mixed order
Matem. Mod., 33:10 (2021), 39–50
Pattern formation mechanisms in one-dimensional Brusselator with fractional derivatives
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2020, 085, 24 pp.
Simulation of oscillatory chemical reactions with chaotic behavior
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2020, 012, 18 pp.
Nonlinear Dirac equation for graphene
Matem. Mod., 32:8 (2020), 43–56
Pattern formation in reaction-diffusion system with time-fractional derivatives
Matem. Mod., 32:6 (2020), 53–65
Design of the computing device based on the game of “Life”
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2019, 143, 14 pp.
One-dimensional Brusselator with time-fractional derivative
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2019, 098, 32 pp.
Perspectives of high-scale wind & other renewable capacities in Russia
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2019, 078, 28 pp.
A new look at projecting of visual representation for applied mathematical computation
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2018, 258, 27 pp.
Submarine transport vessels for the transit corridor Southeast Asia–Europe in the Arctic Ocean
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2018, 242, 46 pp.
The solution of the problem of bluff detection in the game «I-doubt-it» based on reinforcement learning
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2018, 170, 21 pp.
Mathematical models of corruptional behavior with imperfect audit
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2018, 053, 20 pp.
Numerical simulation of behavior strategies evolution in network structures
Matem. Mod., 30:6 (2018), 117–133
Disruptive situational control
Probl. Upr., 2018, no. 5, 31–38
About the one multiagent optimization problem in positional games
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2017, 146, 12 pp.
An analytical model of corruption
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2017, 044, 15 pp.
Situational centers of the development in polysubject environment
Probl. Upr., 2017, no. 5, 31–42
The analysis of player's behaviour in modified ‘sea battle’ game
Computer Research and Modeling, 8:5 (2016), 817–827
Organizing innovations and mathematical modelling of the state defence order execution process.Part 2
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2016, 062, 26 pp.
Organizing innovations and mathematical modelling of the state defence order execution process. Part 1
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2016, 061, 32 pp.
Image of the teacher. Ten years afterward
Computer Research and Modeling, 7:4 (2015), 789–811
The simulation system "COSCON" as a tool for decision support in the space industry
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2015, 113, 36 pp.
The optimal attacking and defensive algorithms research in «Sea Battle» game
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2015, 098, 16 pp.
Image of the teacher. Ten years afterward
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2015, 060, 32 pp.
Issues of dynamic graph theory
Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 55:9 (2015), 1623–1629
Simulation of corruption in hierarchical systems
Computer Research and Modeling, 6:2 (2014), 321–329
Transition to chaos in the «reaction-diffusion» systems. The simplest models
Computer Research and Modeling, 6:1 (2014), 3–12
Prospective method of critical technologies
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2014, 081, 14 pp.
Prospective infrastructures of Russia and dynamical density of population
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2014, 080, 16 pp.
New generation software for decision support systems
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2014, 059, 32 pp.
Analysis of bifurcations in double-mode approximation for Kuramoto — Tsuzuki system
Mat. Mod. Chisl. Met., 2014, no. 3, 111–125
Theory of self-organization. On the cusp of IV paradigm
Computer Research and Modeling, 5:3 (2013), 315–366
A social model of corruption in hierarchical structures
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2013, 087, 27 pp.
Transition to chaos in the two-mode system for “reaction-diffusion” models
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2013, 067, 36 pp.
Synergetics, interdisciplinarity and postnonclasscal science of the 21th century
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2013, 051, 36 pp.
Applied mathematics — problems and prospects
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2013, 044, 23 pp.
Synergetics and network reality
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2013, 034, 32 pp.
Self-organization, Networks, Future
Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 20:3 (2013), 58–76
To the Methodology of Forecast of Aircraft and Aerospace Development
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2012, 072, 16 pp.
Synergetics – From Past to Future
Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 19:3 (2012), 5–31
Cognitive centers as information systems for strategic forecasting
Informatsionnye Tekhnologii i Vychslitel'nye Sistemy, 2011, no. 1, 65–81
Cognitive centers as information systems for strategic forecasting
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2010, 050, 28 pp.
The Cognitive Challenge and Computer Modeling
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2010, 046, 28 pp.
Designing of Future and Modernization of Russia
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2010, 041, 32 pp.
Account for social-economy indexes of Russia regions in the world crisis period. Personnel training, methods, algorithms and program-technology supplying
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2009, 011, 48 pp.
Center of adoption of technology social-economy planning in Russia and world dynamic prognosis
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2009, 010, 35 pp.
A discrete mathematical model of the dynamic evolution of a transportation network
Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 49:9 (2009), 1565–1570
Risk management of forest conflagration on Russian Federation territory
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2008, 035, 27 pp.
Forest conflagration extinguishing problems on Russian Federation territory
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2008, 034, 21 pp.
Информационные технологии, мониторинг и прогноз в контексте национальной безопасности и совершенствования российского законодательства
Informatsionnye Tekhnologii i Vychslitel'nye Sistemy, 2008, no. 2, 92–96
The vehicular traffic as a problem in the fundamental science
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2007, 064, 29 pp.
Abstracts of 2nd International conference Mathematical modeling of historical processes (ed. G. G. Malinetski)
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2007, 056, 74 pp.
The experimental prototype of integrated system of scientific monitoring. Structure and functions
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2007, 047, 28 pp.
Экспериментальный стенд Комплексной системы научного мониторинга. Структура и функции
Informatsionnye Tekhnologii i Vychslitel'nye Sistemy, 2007, no. 4, 57–67
Using the channels and jokers method for the Rosenzweig–Macarthur system dynamics description
Matem. Mod., 19:6 (2007), 3–15
Shilnikov's chaos in the Rosenzweig–Macarthur system
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2006, 045, 32 pp.
The Rosenzweig–Macarthur system analysis as an example of the channels and jokers method
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2006, 021, 32 pp.
Вычисления на ДНК. Эксперименты. Модели. Алгоритмы. Инструментальные средства
Informatsionnye Tekhnologii i Vychslitel'nye Sistemy, 2006, no. 1, 5–27
Utside influence extending over a compound system structure
Matem. Mod., 18:2 (2006), 51–60
Mathematical modelling and forecast of dynamics of age structure of secondary school teachers in Russia
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2005, 090, 24 pp.
Nanobiology and synergetics. Problems and ideas. Part 2
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2005, 081
DNA based computtations. Experiments and models. Algorithms and software tools
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2005, 057
Providing of complex systems durability. Structural aspects
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2005, 053, 34 pp.
Bifurcation theory inverse problem in noisy dynamical systems
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2005, 039, 40 pp.
Nanobiology and synergetics. Problems and ideas
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2005, 029, 31 pp.
Информатика, картина мира и концепция Роджера Пенроуза
Informatsionnye Tekhnologii i Vychslitel'nye Sistemy, 2005, no. 3, 120–127
О математическом моделировании исторических процессов: аграрные общества
Informatsionnye Tekhnologii i Vychslitel'nye Sistemy, 2005, no. 2, 51–60
Complex system security and robustness management under external impacts
Probl. Upr., 2005, no. 5, 70–76
Historical dynamics. Synergetics approach
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2004, 085, 16 pp.
About national system of scientific monitoring
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2004, 047, 30 pp.
Мониторинг, анализ и прогноз опасностей как задачи национальной информационной системы
Informatsionnye Tekhnologii i Vychslitel'nye Sistemy, 2004, no. 4, 119–142
Остановиться, оглянуться…(окончание)
Informatsionnye Tekhnologii i Vychslitel'nye Sistemy, 2004, no. 1, 157–161
Application of cellular automata to modeling the motion of a group of people
Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 44:11 (2004), 2094–2098
Остановиться, оглянуться...
Informatsionnye Tekhnologii i Vychslitel'nye Sistemy, 2003, no. 4, 117–120
Crisises of modern Russia and the system of scientific monitoring
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2002, 056
Risk control and rare disastrous events
Matem. Mod., 14:8 (2002), 107–112
New researches in systems analysis and computation modeling of Russian educational strategy and politics
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2001, 089
Cellular automata with pseudo-quantum evolution
Keldysh Institute preprints, 2001, 070
The Self-Organization of Behavioral Rules in Collectives
Keldysh Institute preprints, 1999, 068
Theory of Risk and Safety: Synergetics and Nonlinear Dynamics View
Keldysh Institute preprints, 1998, 033
Channels and Jokers. New Approaches for Predicting Complex Dynamics
Keldysh Institute preprints, 1998, 032
Simulation of diffusion processes by means of cellular automata with Margolus neighborhood
Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 38:6 (1998), 1017–1020
Formation of Dissipative Structures in Boron-Implanted Silicon
Keldysh Institute preprints, 1997, 069
Ensambles with Variable Structure. New Models of Mathematical Psychology
Keldysh Institute preprints, 1997, 034
Tricks of Jokers on One-Dimensional Maps
Keldysh Institute preprints, 1997, 024
Modelling of High School Development. Medium Scale Models
Keldysh Institute preprints, 1996, 037
Cellular automata for some gas dynamic processes
Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 36:5 (1996), 137–145
Cellular Automata for Modelling of Diffusion
Keldysh Institute preprints, 1995, 102
Mathematical Modelling of Education System
Keldysh Institute preprints, 1995, 100
Is Nonlinear Dynamics the Key to Theoretical History?
Keldysh Institute preprints, 1995, 081
Problems on Nonlinear Dynamics
Keldysh Institute preprints, 1995, 062
The Model of Hierarchical Organization
Keldysh Institute preprints, 1995, 039
Nonlinear Model of Settlement Dynamics
Keldysh Institute preprints, 1995, 015
Order parameters in a Hopfield neural network
Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 34:11 (1994), 1733–1741
Some qualitative features of diffusion-induced chaos
Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 34:4 (1994), 554–563
The investigation of the Lyapunov spectrum of the Kuramoto–Tsuzuki equation
Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 33:7 (1993), 1043–1053
On the possible role of chaos in neural systems
Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 326:4 (1992), 626–632
On a cellular automaton that models oscillating chemical reactions
on a surface
Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 325:4 (1992), 716–723
New properties of quasiperiodic solutions of the Kuramoto–Tsuzuki
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 321:5 (1991), 941–950
On the study of a cellular automaton that models oscillating
chemical reactions
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 321:4 (1991), 711–717
On the possibility of describing turbulent flows of a viscous
fluid by an attractor of finite dimension
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 316:5 (1991), 1101–1106
An approximate study of symmetric localized structures
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 314:2 (1990), 327–331
On a class of simplified "reaction-diffusion" models
Matem. Mod., 1:6 (1989), 67–93
The solution of the inverse problem for the Perron–Frobenius equation
Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 28:10 (1988), 1491–1497
On calculating the dimension of strange attractors
Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 28:7 (1988), 1021–1037
On the strange attractor in a problem of synergetics
Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 27:2 (1987), 202–218
On the classification of the solutions of a system of nonlinear diffusion equations in a neighborhood of a bifurcation point
Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Ser. Sovrem. Probl. Mat. Nov. Dostizh., 28 (1986), 207–313
Some properties of a mathematical model for laser heating of metals in the air
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 281:1 (1985), 55–59
Nonuniqueness of a class of self-similar solutions of the Kuramoto–Tsuzuki equation
Differ. Uravn., 21:9 (1985), 1577–1582
Simplest types of ordering in open dissipative systems
Differ. Uravn., 21:4 (1985), 657–668
Periodic modes in nonlinear dissipative systems near a point of bifurcation
Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 25:9 (1985), 1314–1326
Diffusion-induced chaos in nonlinear dissipative systems
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 279:5 (1984), 1091–1096
Classification of two-component systems in a neighborhood of a bifurcation point
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 279:3 (1984), 591–595
Symmetric solutions of the Kuramoto–Tsuzuki equation
Differ. Uravn., 20:7 (1984), 1281–1283
Nonsteady dissipative structures in nonlinear two-component media with three-dimensional sources
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 258:5 (1981), 1084–1088
Dissipative structures in trigger media
Differ. Uravn., 17:10 (1981), 1875–1885
Interaction of dissipative heat structures in nonlinear media
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 251:4 (1980), 836–839
Dissipative structures in an inhomogeneous nonlinear burning medium
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 251:3 (1980), 587–591
To the 85th anniversary of Dmitry Ivanovich Trubetskov
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 31:3 (2023), 377–400
Rem Georgievich Barantsev: accuracy — simplicity — locality of application
Computer Research and Modeling, 12:5 (2020), 955–959
Youth. Eternity. Synergetics
Computer Research and Modeling, 9:3 (2017), 361–378
Creator of the Future
Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 25:3 (2017), 89–98
In memory of Yurii Petrovich Popov (02.05.1941–27.09.2016)
Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 57:7 (2017), 1231–1240
On the 75th birthday of professor Anton Pavlovich Favorskii
Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 55:8 (2015), 1283–1291
Сложносистемное мышление. Материя, разум, человечество. Новый синтез. Майнцер К.
Informatsionnye Tekhnologii i Vychslitel'nye Sistemy, 2010, no. 3, 102–103
Введение в криптографию. Под общей ред. В.В. Ященко
Informatsionnye Tekhnologii i Vychslitel'nye Sistemy, 2006, no. 2, 85–87
Sergeĭ Pavlovich Kurdyumov
Differ. Uravn., 41:4 (2005), 570–572
Sergei Pavlovich Kurdyumov (1928–2004)
Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 45:5 (2005), 941–944
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