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Azarova Olga Alekseevna
Azarova Olga Alekseevna
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2013)

Speciality: 01.02.05 (Mechanics of fluids, gases and plasmas)
Phone: +7 (499) 135 42 89
Fax: +7 (499) 135 61 59
E-mail: ,
Keywords: Complex conservative difference schemes, supersonic flow, flow control, Richtmyer–Meshkov instability, shear layer instability, vortex contact structures, turbulent fluctuations, triple-shock configurations, voids.
UDC: 519.634
MSC: 76L05, 76N15


Computational fluid dynamics, difference schemes construction, flow visualization, interaction of shocks, flow/flight control, shock wave-turbulence interaction, dynamics of shock wave structures, dynamics of vortex structures, triple-shock configurations, dusty plasma voids dynamics.

Main publications:
  1. O.A. Azarova, “Complex conservative difference schemes for computing supersonic flows past simple aerodynamic forms”, Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 55:12 (2015), 2015–2049 WoS, Scopus
  2. O.A. Azarova, “Generation of Richtmyer-Meshkov and secondary instabilities during the interaction of an energy release with a cylinder shock layer”, Aerospace Science and Technology, 42 (2015), 376-383 WoS, Scopus  crossref
  3. O.A. Azarova, D.D. Knight, “Interaction of microwave and laser discharge resulting "Heat spots" with supersonic combined cylinder bodies”, Aerospace Science and Technology, 43 (2015), 343-349 WoS, Scopus  crossref
  4. T. A. Lapushkina, A. V. Erofeev, O. A. Azarova, O. V. Kravchenko, “Interaction of a plane shock wave with an area of ionization instability of discharge plasma in air”, Aerospace Science and Technology, 85 (2019), 347–358 WoS, Scopus

Full list of scientific publications

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