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Valikov Konstantin Vasil'evich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Pointwise stabilization of solutions of parabolic equations with periodic coefficients in a punctured space

    Differ. Uravn., 30:8 (1994),  1335–1349
  2. Uniform stabilization and proximity in the mean of solutions of the Cauchy problem for higher-order parabolic equations

    Differ. Uravn., 28:6 (1992),  1023–1033
  3. A generalization of the concepts of uniform stabilization and uniform closeness of solutions of the Cauchy problem

    Differ. Uravn., 26:2 (1990),  279–287
  4. Proximity of solutions of the Cauchy problem for some second-order parabolic equations

    Differ. Uravn., 23:4 (1987),  686–696
  5. On the stabilization of solutions of the Cauchy problem for second-order parabolic equations with lower-order terms

    Differ. Uravn., 17:9 (1981),  1641–1655
  6. К расчету свободных колебаний тонких сферических оболочек

    Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 1972, no. 11,  13–17
  7. Nonlinear differential equations in a Banach space, close to linear ones

    Differ. Uravn., 3:10 (1967),  1692–1706
  8. The asymptotic behavior of solutions of a nonlinear parabolic equation

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 160:4 (1965),  743–745
  9. Characteristic indices of solutions of differential equations in a Banach space

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 158:5 (1964),  1010–1013
  10. Some criteria for stability of motion in Hilbert space

    Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 19:4(118) (1964),  179–184

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