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Kruglov Evgenii Valentinovich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. The Topological Classification of Diffeomorphisms of the Two-Dimensional Torus with an Orientable Attractor

    Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn., 16:4 (2020),  595–606
  2. Scenario of a Simple Transition from a Structurally Stable 3-Diffeomorphism with a Two-Dimensional Expanding Attractor to a DA Diffeomorphism

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 308 (2020),  152–166
  3. Scenario of reconnection in the solar corona with a simple discretization

    Nelin. Dinam., 13:4 (2017),  573–578
  4. On the number of linear particular integrals of polynomial vector fields

    Zhurnal SVMO, 18:1 (2016),  27–30
  5. Mathematical model of economic growth based on the accumulation of human capital with discrete time

    Zhurnal SVMO, 17:2 (2015),  58–65
  6. On the Realization of Morse–Smale Diffeomorphisms with Heteroclinic Curves on a 3-Sphere

    Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 236 (2002),  212–217
  7. On the number of semi-algebraic partial integrals of a class of dynamical systems with a cylindrical phase space

    Differ. Uravn., 31:6 (1995),  949–954
  8. On limit cycles for a class of dynamical systems with a cylindrical phase space

    Differ. Uravn., 31:5 (1995),  752–758
  9. Singularities of Darboux type of integrals of semialgebraic differential equations

    Matem. Mod., 7:5 (1995),  31

  10. To the 75th anniversary of Vyacheslav Zigmundovich Grines

    Zhurnal SVMO, 23:4 (2021),  472–476

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