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Matsuka Nadezhda Petrovna

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. $N$-soliton train and generalized complex Toda chain for the Manakov system

    TMF, 151:3 (2007),  391–404
  2. The Paraxial Approximation to the Wave Equation in Curvilinear Coordinates for Numerical Simulation of Optical Beam Diffraction

    Differ. Uravn., 39:7 (2003),  904–911
  3. Dispersion and Asymptotic Properties of Finite-Difference Approximations to Schrödinger Equations

    Differ. Uravn., 37:8 (2001),  1122–1124
  4. Specific Features of the Numerical Solution of Problems for a Generalized Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation

    Differ. Uravn., 37:7 (2001),  913–916
  5. Conservativity, accuracy, and asymptotic properties of numerical methods for nonlinear Schrödinger type equations

    Differ. Uravn., 36:7 (2000),  930–938

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