Babin Dmitry Nikolaevich
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (1999)
Subject: Computer science.
Main publications:
Babin D.N., “On the Classification of Automaton Bases”, Doklady Mathematics, 60:1 (1999), 65–67
Babin D.N., “O klassifikatsii avtomatnykh bazisov Posta po razreshimosti svoistv polnoty i A-polnoty”, DOKLADY AKADEMII NAUK, 367:4 (1999), 439–441
Babin D.N., “O polnote dvumestnykh o.-d. funktsii otnositelno superpozitsii”, Diskretnaya matematika, 1:4 (1989), 86–91
Babin D.N., “O klassifikatsii bazisov v $P_k$ po razreshimosti zadachi polnoty konechnykh sistem avtomatov”, Intellektualnye sistemy, 10 (2007), 369–389
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