Publications in Math-Net.Ru
О сложности проблемы $\forall$-представимости предложений
Algebra Logika, 62:4 (2023), 552–557
Systems of diophantine equations over finite configurations
Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 64:2 (2023), 321–338
Complexity of the problem of being equivalent to Horn formulas. II
Algebra Logika, 61:4 (2022), 469–482
Complexity of the problem of being equivalent to Horn formulas
Algebra Logika, 60:6 (2021), 575–586
On closure of configurations in freely generated projective planes
Sib. Èlektron. Mat. Izv., 18:1 (2021), 358–368
On the $\pmb{\forall}\pmb{\exists}$-theories of free projective planes
Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 61:1 (2020), 120–136
Complexity of the isomorphism problem for computable free projective planes of finite rank
Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 59:2 (2018), 378–395
The embedding problem for computable projective planes
Algebra Logika, 56:1 (2017), 110–117
Freely generated projective planes with finite computable dimension
Algebra Logika, 55:6 (2016), 704–737
$\Pi^1_1$-completeness of the computable categoricity problem
for projective planes
Algebra Logika, 55:4 (2016), 432–440
The theory of projective planes is complete with respect to degree spectra and effective dimensions
Algebra Logika, 54:5 (2015), 599–627
On automatic presentations of projective planes
Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 55:1 (2014), 66–78
Noncomputability of classes of pappian and desarguesian projective planes
Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 54:2 (2013), 325–335
The complexity of isomorphism problem for computable projective planes
Vestn. Novosib. Gos. Univ., Ser. Mat. Mekh. Inform., 13:1 (2013), 68–75
Computable dimensions of Pappusian and Desarguesian projective planes
Algebra Logika, 51:1 (2012), 61–81
Undecidability of the theory of projective planes
Algebra Logika, 49:1 (2010), 3–17
The class of projective planes is noncomputable
Algebra Logika, 47:4 (2008), 428–455
On $\Sigma^0_1$-Classification of Relations on Computable Structures
Vestn. Novosib. Gos. Univ., Ser. Mat. Mekh. Inform., 8:4 (2008), 23–32
Complexity of some natural problems on the class of computable $I$-algebras
Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 47:2 (2006), 352–360
The Computable Dimension of $I$-Trees of Infinite Height
Algebra Logika, 43:6 (2004), 702–729
Universal Numbering for Constructive $I$-Algebras
Algebra Logika, 40:5 (2001), 561–579
Autostability of Boolean algebras with a distinguished ideal
Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 39:5 (1998), 1074–1084
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