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Shamaev Elley Ivanovitch

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. On discretization of parabolic coordinates

    Sib. Èlektron. Mat. Izv., 13 (2016),  1159–1169
  2. On axisymmetric Helfrich surfaces

    Sib. Èlektron. Mat. Izv., 12 (2015),  854–861
  3. On Willmore Surfaces of Revolution in $\mathbb{R}^3$

    Sib. Èlektron. Mat. Izv., 11 (2014),  887–890
  4. On commuting differential operators of rank $2$

    Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 55:4 (2014),  744–749
  5. The discrete geometric bisectors flow of strictly convex polygons and its convergence questions

    Sib. Èlektron. Mat. Izv., 10 (2013),  641–648
  6. On Darboux–Egorov lattices

    Sib. Èlektron. Mat. Izv., 10 (2013),  113–122
  7. On one family of minimal tori in $\mathbb R^3$ with planar embedded ends

    Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 46:6 (2005),  1407–1426

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