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Izbash Vladimir Ivanovich
Senior Researcher
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (1992)

Speciality: 01.01.06 (Mathematical logic, algebra, and number theory)
Birth date: 26.02.1958
Phone: +373 (22) 73 80 29
Fax: +373 (22) 73 80 27
Keywords: quasigroups, latine squares, Boolean functions, cods, cryptography.
UDC: 512.548.7
MSC: 20N05,20N15


Algebra, discrete mathematics, computer sciences.

Main publications:
  1. G. Belyavskaya, V. Izbash, G. Mullen, “Check character systems using quasigroups: I”, Designs. Codes and cryptography, 37 (2005), 215–227  crossref  mathscinet  zmath
  2. G. Belyavskaya, V. Izbash, G. Mullen, “Check character systems using quasigroups: II”, Designs. Codes and cryptography, 37 (2005), 405–419  crossref  mathscinet  zmath
  3. G. Belyavskaya, V. Izbash, V. Scherbakov, “Check character systems over quasigroups and loops”, Quasigroups and Related Systems, 10 (2003), 1–28  mathscinet  zmath
  4. Izbash V., Syrbu P., “Recursively differentiable quasigroups and complete recursive codes”, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae, 45:2 (2004), 257–263  mathscinet  zmath
  5. Izbash V., “Monoquasigroups without congruences and without automorphisms”, izv. Acad. Nauk Respubliki Moldova. Mathematica, 4 (1992), 66–76  mathscinet  zmath

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