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Vasil'ev Aleksandr Nikolaevich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. The $H$ model of critical dynamics: A proof of the multiplicative renormalizability of the simplified $H_0$ model

    TMF, 122:3 (2000),  385–399
  2. Renormalization group, operator expansion, and anomalous scaling in a simple model of turbulent diffusion

    TMF, 120:2 (1999),  309–314
  3. $H$-Model of critical dynamics: Two-loop calculations of RG functions and critical indices

    TMF, 119:1 (1999),  73–92
  4. Fluctuation-dissipation theorem for composite operators in critical-dynamics models

    TMF, 118:2 (1999),  305–310
  5. H-model of critical dynamics: Choice of dynamic variables, elimination of sound modes, and equations for sound waves in the neighborhood of $T_{\mathrm c}$

    TMF, 117:1 (1998),  140–160
  6. Proof of the absence of multiplicative renormalizability of the Gross–Neveu model in dimensional regularization $d=2+2\varepsilon$

    TMF, 113:1 (1997),  85–99
  7. Renormalization group in the theory of developed turbulence. The problem of justifying the Kolmogorov hypotheses for composite operators

    TMF, 110:1 (1997),  122–136
  8. Three loops calculation of the field anomalous dimension in the full four-fermion $U_N$-symmetrical model

    TMF, 107:3 (1996),  359–371
  9. On equivalence of renormalizations for standard and dimensional regularizations of $2D$ four-fermion interactions

    TMF, 107:1 (1996),  27–46
  10. Quantum field renormalization group in the theory of fully developed turbulence

    UFN, 166:12 (1996),  1257–1284
  11. On the possibilities of a phase transition of superconducting type in the Gross–Neveu model

    TMF, 103:2 (1995),  295–298
  12. A technique for calculating the $\gamma$-matrix structures of the diagrams of a total four-fermion interaction with infinite number of vertices $d=2+\epsilon$ dimensional regularization

    TMF, 103:2 (1995),  179–191
  13. The problem of justifying Kolmogorov's conjectures in the stochastic theory of turbulence

    Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 224 (1995),  43–54
  14. The $1/n$ expansion in the Gross–Neveu model: Conformal bootstrap calculation of the exponent $1/\nu$ to the order $1/n^2$

    TMF, 97:3 (1993),  364–372
  15. Infrared asymptotics of the Feynman propagator in a simple non-Abellian model

    TMF, 96:2 (1993),  313–320
  16. A method of calculating the critical dimensions of composite operators in the massless nonlinear $\sigma$ model

    TMF, 95:1 (1993),  160–175
  17. The $1/n$ expansion in the Gross–Neveu model: Conformal bootstrap calculation of the index $\eta$ in order $1/n^3$

    TMF, 94:2 (1993),  179–192
  18. Proof of conformal invariance in the critical regime for models of Gross–Neveu type

    TMF, 92:3 (1992),  486–497
  19. Modified critical behavior in the $\varphi^4(O_n)$ model

    TMF, 91:1 (1992),  168–172
  20. Scaling function $\tau\to 0$ asymptotics of the correlation function in the $O_n-\varphi^4$ model

    TMF, 88:1 (1991),  149–152
  21. Wave scattering in a randomly inhomogeneous medium with long-range noise correlation function $\sim1/r$

    TMF, 84:2 (1990),  250–261
  22. Combinatorics of the $R$ operation

    TMF, 81:3 (1989),  336–353
  23. Quantum field renormalization group in the theory of stochastic Langmuir turbulence

    TMF, 78:3 (1989),  368–383
  24. Wave propagation in a randomly inhomogeneous medium with strongly developed fluctuations. IV. Light wave in a uniaxial liquid crystal

    TMF, 78:2 (1989),  200–214
  25. Propagation of waves in a randomly inhomogeneous medium with strongly developed fluctuations. III. Arbitrary power-law noise correlation function

    TMF, 74:3 (1988),  360–372
  26. Renormalization-group approach in the theory of turbulence: Renormalization and critical dimensions of the composite operators of the energy-momentum tensor

    TMF, 74:2 (1988),  180–191
  27. Turbulent dynamo as spontaneous symmetry breaking

    TMF, 72:3 (1987),  369–383
  28. Adiabatic formalism and semiclassical approximation for discrete levels

    TMF, 72:2 (1987),  229–243
  29. Particle capture by a slowly varying periodic potential

    TMF, 68:3 (1986),  401–414
  30. Propagation of waves in a randomly inhomogeneous medium with strongly developed fluctuations. II. Infrared representation and large-distance behavior

    TMF, 68:3 (1986),  323–337
  31. Propagation of waves in a randomly inhomogeneous medium with strongly developed fluctuations. I. Renormalization group and $4-\varepsilon$-expansion

    TMF, 68:2 (1986),  198–209
  32. Simple proof that an adiabatic invariant is conserved to exponential accuracy over a complete interval of development

    TMF, 66:1 (1986),  146–149
  33. Quantum-field renormalization group in the theory of turbulence: Magnetohydrodynamics

    TMF, 64:2 (1985),  196–207
  34. Conformal bootstrap equations for Yang–Mills type interaction

    TMF, 60:2 (1984),  317–319
  35. Critical dynamics as a field theory

    TMF, 60:1 (1984),  59–71
  36. $1/N$ expansion: Calculation of anomalous dimensions and mixing matrices in the order $1/N$ for $N\times p$ matrix gauge-invariant $\sigma$-model

    TMF, 58:2 (1984),  169–183
  37. Renormalization-group approach to the theory of turbulence. Inclusion of a passive admixture

    TMF, 58:1 (1984),  72–78
  38. Renormalization-group approach in the theory of turbulence: The dimensions of composite operators

    TMF, 57:2 (1983),  268–281
  39. The $CP^{N-1}$ model: Calculation of anomalous dimensions and the mixing matrices in the order $1/N$

    TMF, 56:1 (1983),  15–30
  40. On the possibility of conformal infrared asymptotic behavior in non-Abelian Yang–Mills theory

    TMF, 55:3 (1983),  323–334
  41. Analog of dimensional regularization for calculation of the renormalization-group functions in the $1/n$ expansion for arbitrary dimension of space

    TMF, 55:2 (1983),  163–175
  42. $1/n$ expansion: clculation of the exponent $\eta$ in the order $1/n^3$ by the conformal bootstrap method

    TMF, 50:2 (1982),  195–206
  43. Enumeration of 3-conneeted labeled graphs

    Zap. Nauchn. Sem. LOMI, 120 (1982),  21–24
  44. Infrared asymptotic behavior of the gluon propagator

    TMF, 48:3 (1981),  284–296
  45. $1/n$ Expansion: Calculation of the exponents $\eta$ and $\nu$ in the order $1/n^2$ for arbitrary number of dimensions

    TMF, 47:3 (1981),  291–306
  46. Simple method of calculating the critical indices in the $1/n$ expansion

    TMF, 46:2 (1981),  157–171
  47. Functional integral for the scattering amplitude in the presence of a long-range interaction Journal Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

    TMF, 41:1 (1979),  12–25
  48. “Hidden connections” and functional integral representation of the partition function of the canonical ensemble

    TMF, 34:3 (1978),  364–373
  49. On renormalization and the $\mathscr R$-operation for quantum electrodynamics in an external field

    TMF, 34:2 (1978),  158–169
  50. Representation of the scattering amplitude by a functional integral and quasiclassical asymptotic behavior in quantum mechanics

    TMF, 31:3 (1977),  313–326
  51. High-temperature expansions at an arbitrary magnetization in the ising model

    TMF, 26:3 (1976),  341–351
  52. Nonstationary perturbation theory for the energy shifts of a degenerate level

    TMF, 24:2 (1975),  219–229
  53. Analysis of the nonstar graphs of the Legendre transform in the ising model

    TMF, 23:3 (1975),  366–373
  54. Legendre transforms in the Ising model

    TMF, 21:1 (1974),  49–59
  55. Diagrammatic analysis of the fourth Legendre transform

    TMF, 20:2 (1974),  181–193
  56. Equations for higher Legendre transforms in terms of 1-irreducible vertices

    TMF, 19:2 (1974),  186–200
  57. Method of summing the perturbation series in scalar theories

    TMF, 18:2 (1974),  181–189
  58. Stability of an interaction against spontaneous production of an average boson field

    TMF, 17:1 (1973),  24–33
  59. Consequences of the convexity of Legendre transformations (generalized Goldstone theorem)

    TMF, 15:3 (1973),  320–331
  60. Unitarity of the Wick $T$-exponent

    TMF, 15:2 (1973),  182–196
  61. Convexity properties of Legendre transformations (variational methods in quantum field theory)

    TMF, 15:1 (1973),  43–58
  62. Ations of motion for a Legendre transform arbitrary order

    TMF, 14:3 (1973),  289–305
  63. Vacuum energy density as a function of the bare mass in scalar theories

    TMF, 13:2 (1972),  178–183
  64. Legendre transforms of the generating functionals in quantum field theory

    TMF, 12:3 (1972),  352–369
  65. On the anomalous origin of masses. II

    TMF, 12:1 (1972),  18–28
  66. On the anomalous origin of masses. I

    TMF, 11:2 (1972),  137–151
  67. Selfadjointness of some representations of field algebra

    TMF, 11:1 (1972),  9–18
  68. Criterion for the commutant of a quantized field to be algebraically closed

    TMF, 5:2 (1970),  161–166
  69. Algebraic aspects of Wightman axiomatics

    TMF, 3:1 (1970),  24–56
  70. Theory of representations of a topological (non-Banach) involutory algebra

    TMF, 2:2 (1970),  153–168
  71. Algebraic structure of local field theory with finite-fold vacuum degeneracy

    TMF, 1:3 (1969),  305–317
  72. Vacuum degeneration and spurion formalism for the rotation group

    TMF, 1:2 (1969),  182–186

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