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Arziev Alik Djalgasovich
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences

Keywords: module of Hilbert-Kaplansky, ring of measurable functions.


The module of Hilbert-Kaplansky.

Main publications:
  1. Arziev A.D., “Izmerimye rassloeniya proektoroznachnykh mer.”, Uzbekskii matematicheskii zhurnal, 2008, № 2, 1-12
  2. Arziev A.D., “Spektralnaya teorema dlya samosopryazhennykh operatorov v modulyakh Gilberta – Kaplanskogo nad $L_0$.”, Uzbekskii matematicheskii zhurnal, 2009, № 2, 9-19
  3. Ganiev I.G., Arziev A.D., “Spektr samosopryazhennogo operatora na modulyakh Gilberta-Kaplanskogo nad $L_0$”, Issledovaniya po matematicheskomu analizu, matematicheskomu modelirovaniyu i informatike (Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya "Poryadkovyi analiz i smezhnye voprosy matematicheskogo modelirovaniya". Vladikavkaz.), Institut prikladnoi matematiki i informatiki VNTs RAN, 2007, 7-23
  4. Djaykov G, Arziev A., “Analytical reconstruction of functions from their integral data on a family of straight line segments with a weight function in the form of a polynomial.”, Science and Education in Karakalpakstan, 17:2 (2021), 197-202
  5. Arziev A.D., “On some properties of the spectrum of elements of Banach-Kantorovich algebras over a ring of measurable functions”, Science and Education in Karakalpakstan, 18:3 (2021), 4-9

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