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Konyukhov Vladimir Mikhailovich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Calculation of interrelated thermal processes in a submersible electric motor, rocks and water-gas-oil flow in a producing well

    Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 13:3 (2022),  165–177
  2. Numerical modeling and parallel computations of heat and mass transfer during physical and chemical actions on the non-uniform oil reservoir developing by system of wells

    Computer Research and Modeling, 12:2 (2020),  319–328
  3. Numerical simulation, parallel algorithms and software for performance forecast of the system “fractured-porous reservoir – producing well” during its commissioning into operation

    Computer Research and Modeling, 11:6 (2019),  1069–1075
  4. Simulation of two-phase filtration in a fissured and porous reservoir with non-Newtonian oil and bottom water

    Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskie Nauki, 153:4 (2011),  84–97
  5. Motion of heavy liquid contaminations in layered groundwater reservoir

    Matem. Mod., 13:3 (2001),  41–48
  6. Нестационарные гидродинамические процессы в нефтяных скважинах при различных способах их эксплуатации

    Issled. Podzemn. Gidromekh., 11 (1991),  32–48
  7. Численное и экспериментальное исследование процессов тепломассопереноса в скважинах

    Issled. Podzemn. Gidromekh., 10 (1989),  58–72
  8. Numerical simulation of unsteady hydrodynamic processes in a well equipped with an electric centrifugal pump

    Issled. Prikl. Mat., 15 (1988),  69–85
  9. Построение консервативной разностной схемы для расчета характеристик нестационарного газожидкостного потока в скважине, оборудованной электронасосом

    Issled. Podzemn. Gidromekh., 9 (1987),  168–176
  10. Гидродинамические процессы в скважине при пуске электроцентробежного насоса

    Issled. Podzemn. Gidromekh., 9 (1987),  86–100

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