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Apakov Yusupzhon Pulatovich
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2016)

Speciality: 01.01.02 (Differential equations, dynamical systems, and optimal control)
Phone: +998913563555
Keywords: PDE’s of odd order, fundamental solutions, Green function and boundary value problems.
UDC: 517.956, 517.956.6


Equation with multiple characteristics, parabolic-hyperbolic equation ni three-dimensional space.

Main publications:
  1. Apakov Yu.P., “O reshenii kraevoi zadachi dlya uravneniya tretego poryadka s kratnymi kharakteristikami”, Ukrainskii matematicheskii zhurnal. –Kiev, 64:1 (2012), 1-11
  2. Dzhuraev T.D.,Apakov Yu.P., “On the theory of the third- order equation with multiple characteristics containing the second time derivative.”, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal. Springer, New York, 62:1 (2010), 43-55
  3. Apakov Yu.P., “Construction of Green’s Function for One Problem of Rectangular Region.”, Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 4:1 (2010), 1-16
  4. Apakov Yu.P., “On a Method for Solving Boundary Problems for Third-order Equation with Multiple Characteristics”, Modern Aspects of the Theory Partal Differential Equations. Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Springer, Basel, 216 (2011), 65-78
  5. Apakov Yu.P.,Rutkauskas S., “On a boundary problem to third order PDE with multiple characteristics.”, Nonlinear Analysis: Modeling and Control. –Vilnius, 16:3 (2011), 255-269

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

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