01.01.03 (Mathematical physics)
Birth date:
E-mail: Keywords: periodic Shrödinger operator, discrete spectrum in the gaps of the continuos one, Stark operator, Spectral Shift Function, large coupling constant.
UDC: 517.43
Spectral theory of differential operators.
Main publications:
V. A. Sloushch, “Discrete spectrum appearing in the spectral gaps under the strong perturbations with definite sign”, Trudy Sankt-Peterburgskogo mat. obshchestva, 6, 1998, 213–230
V. A. Sloushch, “Discrete spectrum of the differential operators in the spectral gaps under non-negative perturbations of the high order”, Zapiski nauchnyh seminarov POMI, 270, 2000, 325–335
A. Pushnitski, V. Sloushch, “Spectral shift function for the Stark operator in the large coupling
constant limit”, Asymptot. Anal., 51:1 (2007), 63–89
V. A. Sloushch, “Some generalizations of the Cwikel estimate for the integral operators”, Trudy Sankt-Peterburgskogo mat. obshchestva, 14, 2008