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Fokin Lev Ruvimovich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Thermodynamic consistency of the melting point parameters for osmium

    TVT, 61:1 (2023),  51–56
  2. Density of liquid potassium on the saturation line: A brief $50$-year history

    TVT, 59:5 (2021),  679–685
  3. Analysis of data on zero and negative thermal expansion coefficients of materials

    TVT, 58:2 (2020),  188–201
  4. New estimate of osmium melting heat

    TVT, 57:1 (2019),  61–65
  5. Titanium melting curve: data consistency assessment, problems and achievements

    Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 88:3 (2018),  380–384
  6. Calculating the melting curves by the thermodynamic data matching method: Platinum-group refractory metals (Ru, Os, and Ir)

    Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 87:1 (2017),  59–64
  7. Calculation of the transport properties of dilute gas mixtures on the basis model potentials. Mercury–argon system

    TVT, 55:2 (2017),  216–222
  8. Reliability of data on the thermophysical properties of materials: Three examples

    TVT, 53:2 (2015),  212–220
  9. Osmium: melting curve and matching of high-temperature data

    TVT, 53:1 (2015),  141–144
  10. General function of the unit compressibility factor for liquid and gaseous mercury

    TVT, 51:4 (2013),  520–523
  11. The corresponding state for thermal expansion coefficients of saturated liquids

    TVT, 50:3 (2012),  467–468
  12. Equation of State and Thermodynamic Properties of Saturated and Superheated Mercury Vapors up to $1650$ K and $125$ MPa

    TVT, 49:6 (2011),  862–871
  13. The transport properties of an $\text{N}_2$$\text{H}_2$ mixture of rarefied gases in the EPIDIF database

    TVT, 47:5 (2009),  675–687
  14. The viscosity and self-diffusion of rarefied steam: Refinement of reference data

    TVT, 46:5 (2008),  674–679
  15. A new equation of state for rubidium vapors at temperatures up to $1600$ K and pressures up to $4$ MPa

    TVT, 44:1 (2006),  68–81
  16. Interaction potentials of nine quasi-spherical molecules in the database on the transport properties of gases

    TVT, 42:6 (2004),  878–884
  17. Reference data on the viscosity of rarefied steam at a temperature of $2000$ to $2500$ K

    TVT, 38:2 (2000),  242–248
  18. Analytical representation of collision integrals for the ($m$$6$) Lennard–Jones potentials in the EPIDIF database

    TVT, 37:1 (1999),  49–55
  19. Collision integrals for Lennard–Jones potential (6-6)

    Matem. Mod., 10:5 (1998),  3–9
  20. Вязкость разреженных газовых смесей азот – кислород в интервале температур $100$$2000$ К (предварительные данные) (№ 5613-В-90 Деп. от 01.11.1990)

    TVT, 29:1 (1991),  194
  21. hermal expansion of molybdenum in the temperature range $0\,\text{K}$$T_{\text{mt}}$

    TVT, 29:1 (1991),  94–100
  22. Thermo-physical parameter correlation for low-density gas-mixtures – $\mathrm{Ar}$$\mathrm{Xe}$

    TVT, 25:1 (1987),  46–51
  23. Анализ согласованности экспериментальных данных по скорости звука и плотности в парах цезия

    TVT, 12:5 (1974),  998–1003
  24. Методы определения параметров термических уравнений состояния с учетом данных на линиях фазового равновесия

    TVT, 11:4 (1973),  750–756
  25. Методика определения параметров единого термического уравнения состояния с учетом опытных данных на линии насыщения

    TVT, 9:6 (1971),  1195–1199
  26. Термодинамические свойства двухфазной области бинарных растворов постоянного состава

    TVT, 4:3 (1966),  343–350
  27. Обобщенные таблицы термодинамических свойств диссоциирующих идеальных газов

    TVT, 2:3 (1964),  367–377
  28. Some aspects of the thermodynamics of reacting ideal gases

    TVT, 1:3 (1963),  338–347

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