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Zausaev Anatoliy Fedorovich
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (1995)

Birth date: 19.07.1940

Main publications:
  1. Zausaev A. F., “Chislennoe integrirovanie uravnenii dvizheniya vozmuschaemogo tela metodom Teilora”, Byull. In-ta astrofiz. AN Tadzh. SSR, 1987, № 77, 24–28
  2. Zausaev A. F., Pushkarev A. N., “Issledovanie aktivnosti meteornogo potoka a-Kaprikornid”, Byull. ITA AN SSSR, 4:5 (1984), 285–263
  3. Zausaev A. F., Pushkarev A. N., “Evolyutsiya orbity asteroida 4179 Toutatis za 11500 let”, Astron. vestn., 27:5 (1993), 105–108
  4. Zausaev A. F., Pushkarev A. N., “Opredelenie skorostei meteora po fotograficheskim nablyudeniyam”, Astron. vestn., 25:5 (1991), 609–612
  5. Zausaev A. F., “The use of the Halphen–Goryachev method in the study of the evolution of the orbits of the Quadrantid and delta-Aquarid meteor stream”, The motion, evolution of orbits origin comets, Symposium № 45 IAU, Dordrech-Holland, 1972, 145
  6. Zausaev A. F., Isutkin A. S., “Chislennoe integrirovanie uravnenii dvizheniya bolshikh planet (Merkurii-Neptun) i Luny metodom Teilora”, Vestn. SamGTU, 9 (2000), 25–31  mathnet
  7. Zausaev A. F., Zoteev V. E., “Sovremennye chislennye metody resheniya obyknovennykh differentsialnykh uravnenii”, Uchebnoe zadanie i metodicheskie ukazaniya, Samara, 2000, 1–33
  8. Zausaev A. F., Zausaev A. A., Katalog orbitalnoi evolyutsii korotkoperiodicheskikh komet s 1900 po 2100 gg., Mashinostroenie - 1, M., 2005, 346 s.
  9. Zausaev A. F., Zausaev A. A., Diskretnye chislennye metody resheniya obyknovennykh differentsialnykh uravnenii, Uchebnoe posobie, SamGTU, Samara, 2006, 88 s.
  10. Zausaev A. F., Zausaev A. A., Olkhin A. G., “Primenenie metoda Everkharta dlya resheniya uravnenii dvizheniya bolshikh planet”, Trudy Gosudarstvennogo astronomicheskogo instituta im. P. K. Shternberga MGU, 76, M., 2006, 75–82

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