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Kuznetsov Yuri Vladimirovich
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences

Birth date: 3.08.1961
Phone: +7 (916) 565 71 21
E-mail: ,
Keywords: fast algorithms, representations of groups.


Mathematical cybernetics, algebra, fast algorithms.

Main publications:
  1. Kuznetsov Yu. V., “O klassakh bulevykh funktsii, invariantnykh otnositelno otozhdestvleniya peremennykh”, Doklady AN SSSR, 290:4 (1986), 780–785
  2. Kuznetsov Yu. V., Yaschenko V. V., “Ob otsenke stepeni nelineinosti chastichnykh bulevykh funktsii”, Vestnik MGU, ser. 1, matem., mekh., 1993, № 6, 36–40  zmath
  3. Kuznetsov Yu. V., Shkarin S. A., “Kody Rida–Mallera (obzor publikatsii)”, Matematicheskie voprosy kibernetiki, 6, 1995, 5–50  mathscinet
  4. Kuznetsov Yu. V., Yaschenko V. V., “O chastichnykh bent-funktsiyakh”, Vestnik MGU ser. 1, matem., mekh., 2000, № 5, 3–6  zmath

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