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Il'inskii Nikolai Borisovich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Нахождение формы несимметричного крылового профиля с выдувом реактивной струи навстречу набегающему потоку

    Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 53:2 (2013),  309–320
  2. Inverse boundary value problem of aerohydrodynamics for an axisymmetric body with blowing from an annular channel

    Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 52:3 (2012),  553–563
  3. Lift maximization for a smooth contour placed in flow with a vortex

    Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 50:10 (2010),  1854–1861
  4. Use of active control for elimination of flow separation with estimation of energy costs

    Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 49:12 (2009),  2255–2264
  5. Design of airfoils providing the absence of separation in a compressible flow in a specified range of angles of attack

    Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 49:6 (2008),  99–106
  6. About the Problem of Two-Element Airfoil Optimization

    Kazan. Gos. Univ. Uchen. Zap. Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 150:1 (2008),  19–2
  7. Combined method for solving an inverse boundary value problem of aerohydrodynamics for an axisymmetric body

    Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 48:7 (2008),  1309–1317
  8. Design of a subsonic airfoil with upstream blowing

    Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 47:10 (2007),  1784–1792
  9. Lift force of an airfoil in the form of an arc with a sink

    Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 42:4 (2001),  68–75
  10. Maximization of the velocity circulation in a flow around a smooth contour with sources and sinks

    Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 40:1 (2000),  82–90
  11. On an extremal problem of the flow of an ideal incompressible fluid around a smooth closed contour with a sink

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 354:1 (1997),  43–46
  12. The use of transonic slender-body theory to calculate the spatial flow over a wing-fuselage configuration

    Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 36:11 (1996),  134–142
  13. An iterative method for solving boundary value problems in aerodynamics

    Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 35:11 (1995),  1729–1740
  14. Mathematical simulation of the flow suction in inverse boundary-value problem of aerohydrodynamics

    Matem. Mod., 6:2 (1994),  90–101
  15. Aerohydrodynamically appropriate velocity distributions in inverse boundary value problems of subsonic aerohydrodynamics

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 26 (1991),  115–137
  16. Задача о пробивании анизотропной преграды взрывом шнурового заряда

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 25 (1990),  150–158
  17. Solution of isoperimetric problems in filtration theory by the method of inverse boundary value problems

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 25 (1990),  135–149
  18. Об одном способе решения осесимметричных задач взрыва на выброс по модифицированной твердо-жидкостной модели

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 24 (1990),  87–91
  19. On inverse boundary value problems

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 23 (1987),  89–93
  20. An inverse boundary value problem for laminar profile with suction

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 23 (1987),  61–69
  21. Quasi solutions of an inverse boundary value problem of hydroaerodynamics

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 284:2 (1985),  319–322
  22. On the statement of the velocity distribution in the design of an airfoil profile using the method of quasi-solutions

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 22 (1985),  69–78
  23. The method of quasisolutions in an inverse problem of hydroaerodynamics

    Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 1984, no. 10,  50–59
  24. The problem of determining the underground contour from the back pressure curve in the presence of rectilinear water pressure

    Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 1984, no. 2,  34–42
  25. The investigation of the influence of an inclined solid ground on the depression of an ejection at the detonation of a surface string-shaped charge

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 20 (1983),  116–128
  26. An inverse problem of filtration from a channel in the presence of backwater

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 20 (1983),  104–115
  27. Development of the method of boundary integral equations in relation to problems of blast ejection

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 20 (1983),  56–62
  28. Determination of the contour of a flood bed from the rate curve in the presence of water pressure

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 19 (1983),  59–72
  29. The problem of constructing a spillway contour from the back pressure curve

    Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 1982, no. 2,  16–23
  30. On some boundary value problems of an excavating explosion

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 18 (1982),  95–103
  31. On the further development of the solid-liquid model of an excavating explosion

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 18 (1982),  85–94
  32. The theory of inverse boundary value problems for analytic functions and its applications

    Itogi Nauki i Tekhn. Ser. Mat. Anal., 18 (1980),  67–124
  33. On the solvability of a boundary value problem in the theory of the explosion for an ejection

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 17 (1980),  85–88
  34. On impulse-hydrodynamic models of a blasting for an ejection in laminated media

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 16 (1979),  81–88
  35. On a method for constructing the recess of an ejection by the explosion of a string formed charge

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 16 (1979),  71–80
  36. On V. N. Monahov's book: Boundary value problems with free boundaries for elliptic systems of equations

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 15 (1978),  202–212
  37. Determination of ejection extraction with the explosion of an underground fuse-type charge in a two-layer medium

    Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 19:2 (1978),  109–114
  38. Решение некоторых задач теории взрыва в импульсно-гидродинамической постановке

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 14 (1977),  98–109
  39. Задача о взрыве несимметричного поверхностного заряда переменной толщины

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 14 (1977),  90–97
  40. One pulsed hydrodynamic model of a cratering explosion

    Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 18:2 (1977),  115–120
  41. Interaction between two flat charges exploding on the ground

    Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 18:1 (1977),  147–151
  42. Некоторые обратные задачи фильтрации из канала

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 13 (1976),  112–119
  43. The problem of filtration in an earth dam on a permeable foundation that has a different coefficient of filtration

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 13 (1976),  93–111
  44. One case of the explosion of a symmetric variable-thickness surface charge

    Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 17:3 (1976),  154–161
  45. On the solution of a certain boundary value problem of blast theory

    Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 1975, no. 6,  44–50
  46. Об электромоделировании краевых задач теории взрыва

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 12 (1975),  84–92
  47. Задача о взрыве поверхностного заряда переменной толщины

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 12 (1975),  76–83
  48. Некоторые задачи о взрыве заглубленных зарядов

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 12 (1975),  63–75
  49. The inverse problem of blast theory

    Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 1974, no. 2,  51–57
  50. Одна задача теории взрыва

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 11 (1974),  59–63
  51. Один численный метод решения задач нелинейной фильтрации

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 11 (1974),  25–31
  52. Расчет двух флютбетов при нелинейном законе фильтрации с начальным градиентом

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 10 (1973),  53–59
  53. Задача нелинейной фильтрации с неоднолистной областью годографа скорости

    Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 1972, no. 10,  34–40
  54. Обратная задача фильтрации в земляной плотине

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 9 (1972),  103–111
  55. О нелинейных законах фильтрации специального вида и решении краевых задач

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 9 (1972),  92–102
  56. О решении одной обратной краевой задачи нелинейной теории фильтрации

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 8 (1971),  86–98
  57. Об обратных краевых задачах напорной фильтрации

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 7 (1970),  71–77
  58. Обратная задача модификации контура флютбета

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 6 (1969),  52–56
  59. Обратные задачи напорной фильтрации при наличии дренирующего основания

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 5 (1968),  51–60
  60. Обратная задача напорной фильтрации в неоднородном анизотропном грунте под водопроницаемым подземным контуром

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 5 (1968),  43–50
  61. Построение подземного контура плотины по эпюре фильтрационного противодавления

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 5 (1968),  12–19
  62. Об одном приложении сингулярного интегро-дифференциального уравнения в теории фильтрации

    Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 1967, no. 7,  100–103
  63. On an inverse boundary value problem of filtration theory

    Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 1967, no. 3,  31–38
  64. Расчет фильтрации под плотиной в неоднородном грунте

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 4 (1967),  22–31
  65. Обратные краевые задачи теории фильтрации

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 3 (1966),  126–128
  66. Обратная задача напорной фильтрации для основания с дренажем

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 3 (1966),  47–52
  67. A boundary problem for filtration under pressure

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 161:5 (1965),  1033–1036
  68. Определение формы подземного контура гидросооружения в области выхода фильтрационного потока в нижний бьеф

    Trudy Sem. Obratn. Kraev. Zadacham, 2 (1964),  26–32
  69. Задача построения подземного контура гидросооружения по эпюре выходных скоростей

    Trudy Sem. Obratn. Kraev. Zadacham, 2 (1964),  21–25
  70. An inverse mixed problem of the theory of filtration

    Trudy Sem. Obratn. Kraev. Zadacham, 1 (1964),  19–28

  71. Gumer Galeevich Tumashev (obituary)

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 22 (1985),  3–5
  72. In memory of Mikhail Tikhonovich Nuzhin

    Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 1984, no. 10,  3–7
  73. Mikhail TikhonovichNuzhin (obituary)

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 21 (1984),  3–4
  74. Addendum to the paper: “Determination of the contour of a flood bed from the rate curve in the presence of water pressure”

    Trudy Sem. Kraev. Zadacham, 20 (1983),  229
  75. Leonid Aleksandrovich Aksent'ev (on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday)

    Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 1982, no. 4,  3–4
  76. Boris Lukich Laptev (on the occasion of his 75th birthday)

    Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 1980, no. 10,  3–5
  77. Seminar on boundary-value problems

    Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 1972, no. 12,  124

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