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Kolpashchikov Sergey Alexandrovich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Implementation of dynamic elastic forms for plain structures approximation

    Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekhn. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki [J. Samara State Tech. Univ., Ser. Phys. Math. Sci.], 2(19) (2009),  269–274
  2. The probabilities of the clusterization of the complex graphic information in accordance with the topological properties of phase space of dynamical system of the images recognition

    Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekhn. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki [J. Samara State Tech. Univ., Ser. Phys. Math. Sci.], 2(15) (2007),  202–204
  3. Модель гидравлической системы блока подпитки теплосети ТЭЦ ВАЗа

    Matem. Mod. Kraev. Zadachi, 2 (2006),  49–52
  4. Разработка математической модели неэкранированной витой пары, учитывающей нерегулярности диэлектрической проницаемости отдельных проводов

    Matem. Mod. Kraev. Zadachi, 2 (2004),  119–122
  5. Analytical method of the moving cable objects speed evaluation

    Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekhn. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki [J. Samara State Tech. Univ., Ser. Phys. Math. Sci.], 7 (1999),  199–201

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