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Martirosyan Artak Rafik
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2008)

Speciality: 01.01.05 (Probability theory and mathematical statistics)
Birth date: 17.11.1981
Keywords: insurance risks, theory of risks, queues, critical risks, new probability distributions, critical loading, slouli and regularli variing functions, conversions of (insurance risks) Laplas-Stiltjes Transformations and transformations of Furye, subordinarity, assimptotical expansions.


Insurance risks, theory of risks, queues, critical risks, new probability distributions, limit theorems, Actuarial mathematics, Insurance mathematics.

Main publications:
  1. Martirosyan A. R., “Predstavlenie v vide ryada odnoi plotnosti v teorii ocheredei.”, Erevan, Uchenye zapiski EGU, 2:2 (2008), 30–33
  2. Martirosyan A. R., “Kriticheskie riski v strakhovykh portfelyakh”, Erevan, Matem. v Vyssh. Shkole, 3:4 (2007), 34–41

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

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