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Nehamkina O A

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. A multiparameter algebraic model of steady turbulent flow in a round pipe with sand roughness

    TVT, 33:5 (1995),  731–737
  2. A two-layer three-parameter algebraic model of a transient and a steady turbulent flow in a round pipe with smooth walls

    TVT, 33:1 (1995),  49–53
  3. Numerical simulation of detonation waves using an effective TVD-scheme

    Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 32:9 (1992),  1447–1463
  4. Modeling of the local impulse energy input in closed gas volume

    Matem. Mod., 3:2 (1991),  3–19
  5. Hierarchy of models of natural thermal-convection of an ideal-gas

    TVT, 27:6 (1989),  1115–1125
  6. Subsonic flows of homogeneous viscous-gas in channels with permeable walls

    TVT, 26:6 (1988),  1135–1141
  7. Local heat and mass exchange and radiation of thermally dissociated air in laminar-flow in a cooled slotted channel

    TVT, 25:4 (1987),  708–715
  8. Numerical-simulation of subsonic flows in channels with sudden expansion on the basis of the narrow channel approximation

    TVT, 25:2 (1987),  296–303
  9. Heat and mass-transfer in the chemically nonequilibrium-flow of dissociated air in intensively cooled slit channels

    TVT, 23:4 (1985),  733–741
  10. Calculation of steady subsonic flows of chemically nonequilibrium gaseous-mixtures in channels of variable cross-section with arbitrary finite changes in density

    TVT, 22:6 (1984),  1125–1133
  11. Turbulent-flow of ammonia in heated circular tubes in the presence of catalytic dissociation at the walls

    TVT, 20:1 (1982),  75–80
  12. Heat and Mass Exchange for Laminar Flow of Ammonia in Round Heated Pipes with Developed Catalytic Dissociation on the Walls

    TVT, 18:2 (1980),  327–333
  13. О расчете теплообмена при турбулентном течении в обогреваемых трубах диссоциирующего азотного тетраксида

    TVT, 18:1 (1980),  216–217
  14. К вопросу о расчете теплообмена при турбулентном течении по трубам четырехокиси азота

    TVT, 17:2 (1979),  361–365
  15. Об эффекте диффузионного разделения элементов при неизотермическом течении многокомпонентных химически равновесных газовых смесей в круглых трубах

    TVT, 16:2 (1978),  322–331

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