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Alfyorov Vadim Ivanovich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Erbium oxide aerodynamic models in the hypersonic flow

    TVT, 50:4 (2012),  550–554
  2. Experimental investigation of the methods of energy supply to the external surface of models of flying vehicles

    TVT, 50:2 (2012),  251–257
  3. Possible uses of optical methods for determining the structure of nonequilibrium hypersonic flows

    TVT, 45:3 (2007),  422–428
  4. The possibility of simulating in wind tunnels the parameters of hypersonic flow and the conditions in the combustor of hypersonic scramjet engine

    TVT, 39:5 (2001),  743–747
  5. Current status and potentialities of wind tunnels with MHD acceleration

    TVT, 38:2 (2000),  321–334
  6. Hypersonic flow in an MHD-acceleration facility and under full-scale conditions

    Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 39:2 (1998),  91–102
  7. Mathematical modelling of gaz radiation ahead of strong shoch wave

    Matem. Mod., 3:9 (1991),  21–30
  8. Mathemacial modelling of the structure of hypersonic shock layer around models in a wind tunnel

    Matem. Mod., 1:9 (1989),  34–42
  9. Visualization of hypersonic flows during combustion of magnesium vapor

    Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, 24:5 (1988),  57–60
  10. Reproduction of prototype physicochemical processes in a shock layer during flow past bodies in hypersonic wind tunnels

    TVT, 24:3 (1986),  575–581
  11. Experimental study of heat flows in the walls of a high-enthalpy and channel

    Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 26:4 (1985),  91–95
  12. Experimental investigation of a gas in a hypersonic wind-tunnel with an electric-arc heater

    TVT, 23:2 (1985),  377–382
  13. Energy-balance in a contracted glow-discharge in a longitudinal gas-flow

    TVT, 20:3 (1982),  437–441
  14. Experimental Study of Temperature Fields and Thermal Fluxes in the Electrode Walls of an MGD Accelerator

    TVT, 18:1 (1980),  181–192
  15. On the possibility of obtaining the inversion of energy level populations in the heterogeneous mixing of chemically reacting flows

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 248:5 (1979),  1093–1096
  16. Investigation of the interaction between a hypersonic air stream and a carbon dioxide aerosol

    Kvantovaya Elektronika, 6:8 (1979),  1746–1755
  17. Исследование электродинамических характеристик МГД-ускорителя

    TVT, 17:2 (1979),  400–408
  18. Исследование аэродинамической установки с магнитогазодинамическим ускорением потока газа

    TVT, 17:1 (1979),  163–172
  19. A shield for protecting detectors from mechanical impurities in a gas stream

    Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 19:6 (1978),  39–43
  20. Экспериментальное исследование характеристик электрического разряда между коаксиальными медными электродами в магнитном поле

    TVT, 11:6 (1973),  1142–1146
  21. Численный эксперимент по исследованию отрыва ламинарного пограничного слоя в МГД-канале

    TVT, 11:3 (1973),  568–574
  22. Electric Arc Gas Heater with the Arc Spun by a Magnetic Field

    TVT, 9:2 (1971),  395–400

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