Integrability of the Equilibrium and Compatibility Equations for a Viscoplastic Medium with Negative Strain Rate Sensitivity
Main publications:
Keller I. E., “Integriruemost uravnenii ravnovesiya i sovmestnosti vyazkoplasticheskoi sredy s otritsatelnoi chuvstvitelnostyu k skorosti deformatsii”, DAN, 451:6 (2013), 643–646
Keller I. E., “Ravnovesnye formy svobodnoi granitsy
pri odnoosnom rastyazhenii nelineino-vyazkoi polosy”, PMTF, 51:1 (2010), 117–124
Keller I. E., Trusov P. V., “Fragmentatsiya metallov pri bolshikh deformatsiyakh: odin mekhanizm obrazovaniya prostranstvenno-modulirovannykh vikhrevykh struktur”, PMTF, 43:2 (2002), 176–186
Keller I. E., Trusov P. V., “Obobschenie teorii Bishopa–Khilla plasticheskogo formoizmeneniya monokristalla”, Izvestiya RAN. Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 1997, № 6, 93–103