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Feinberg Evgenii L'vovich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Color deconfinement and subhadronic matter: phase states and the role of constituent quarks

    UFN, 174:5 (2004),  473–493
  2. The forefather (about Leonid Isaakovich Mandelstam)

    UFN, 172:1 (2002),  91–108
  3. A wonderful story about a remarkable paper by Landau

    UFN, 168:6 (1998),  697–700
  4. Special theory of relativity: how good-faith delusions come about

    UFN, 167:4 (1997),  455–457
  5. Igor' Evgen'evich Tamm

    UFN, 165:7 (1995),  811–828
  6. Thermodynamic fireballs (state of the concept in the theory and in accelerator experiments)

    UFN, 139:1 (1983),  3–52
  7. Cosmic rays and elementary-particle physics

    UFN, 132:2 (1980),  394–395
  8. Hadron clusters and half-dressed particles in quantum field theory

    UFN, 132:2 (1980),  255–291
  9. Hadron clusters and semibare particles in quantum field theory

    UFN, 128:2 (1979),  369–370
  10. В редакцию “Успехов физических наук”: Поправка к статье: Фейнберг Е. Л. “Можно ли рассматривать релятивистское изменение масштабов длины и времени как результат действия некоторых сил?” УФН 116 709–730 (1975)

    UFN, 117:3 (1975),  582
  11. Can the relativistic change in the scales of length and time be considered the result of the action of certain forces?

    UFN, 116:4 (1975),  709–730
  12. Multiple generation of hadrons and statistical theory

    UFN, 104:4 (1971),  539–592
  13. The problem of quarks in cosmic rays

    UFN, 91:3 (1967),  541–550
  14. Cosmic rays and elementary particle physics

    UFN, 86:4 (1965),  733–746
  15. Strong interactions at very high energy

    UFN, 82:1 (1964),  3–81
  16. On the “special role” of the electromagnetic potentials in quantum mechanics

    UFN, 78:1 (1962),  53–64
  17. On multiple production in collisions of ultra-high energy particles

    UFN, 70:2 (1960),  333–350
  18. Вариации космических лучей

    UFN, 59:2 (1956),  189–228
  19. Неупругие диффракционные процессы при высоких энергиях

    UFN, 58:2 (1956),  193–230
  20. Электрический момент ядра

    UFN, 19:3 (1938),  305–321

  21. Gennadii Andreevich Mesyats (on his seventieth birthday)

    UFN, 176:2 (2006),  231–232
  22. In memory of Iosif Leonidovich Rozental'

    UFN, 175:6 (2005),  679–680
  23. In memory of Immanuil Lazarevich Fabelinskii

    UFN, 174:11 (2004),  1271–1272
  24. In memory of Gelii Frolovich Zharkov

    UFN, 174:11 (2004),  1269–1270
  25. In memory of Mikhail Leonovich Ter-Mikaelyan

    UFN, 174:9 (2004),  1029–1030
  26. Oleg Nikolaevich Krokhin (on his seventieth birthday)

    UFN, 172:6 (2002),  723–724
  27. Sergei Ivanovich Vavilov and his time

    UFN, 171:10 (2001),  1082–1087
  28. E S Fradkin as a person

    UFN, 171:8 (2001),  876
  29. Leonid Veniaminovich Keldysh (on his seventieth birthday)

    UFN, 171:4 (2001),  435–436
  30. Immanuil Lazarevich Fabelinskii (on his ninetieth birthday)

    UFN, 171:2 (2001),  223–224
  31. Aleksandr Viktorovich Gurevich (on his seventieth birthday)

    UFN, 170:11 (2000),  1257–1258
  32. In memory of Aleksandr Il'ich Akhiezer

    UFN, 170:8 (2000),  917–918
  33. In memory of Viktor Sergeevich Vavilov

    UFN, 170:2 (2000),  203–204
  34. In memory of Efim Samoilovich Fradkin

    UFN, 169:11 (1999),  1281–1282
  35. In memory of Mikhail Veniaminovich Kazarnovskii

    UFN, 169:8 (1999),  933–934
  36. Germogen Filippovich Krymskii (on his sixtieth birthday)

    UFN, 167:11 (1997),  1247–1248
  37. In memory of Sergei Mikhailovich Rytov

    UFN, 167:7 (1997),  787–788
  38. Georgii Timofeevich Zatsepin (on his eightieth birthday)

    UFN, 167:5 (1997),  571–572
  39. Vladimir Ivanovich Ritus (on his seventieth birthday)

    UFN, 167:5 (1997),  569–570
  40. David Abramovich Kirzhnits (on his seventieth birthday)

    UFN, 166:10 (1996),  1143–1144
  41. Vitalii Lazarevich Ginzburg (on his eightieth birthday)

    UFN, 166:10 (1996),  1141–1142
  42. In memory of Viktor Isaakovich Ogievetskii

    UFN, 166:9 (1996),  1031–1032
  43. Mikhail Dmitrievich Galanin (on his eightieth birthday)

    UFN, 165:3 (1995),  359–360
  44. Dmitrii Vladimirovich Skobel'tsyn (Obituary)

    UFN, 161:8 (1991),  183–186
  45. Valentin Aleksandrovich Fabrikant (Obituary)

    UFN, 161:6 (1991),  215–218
  46. Leonid Veniaminovich Keldysh (On his sixtieth birthday)

    UFN, 161:4 (1991),  179–182
  47. Immanuil Lazarevich Fabelinskii (on his eightieth birthday)

    UFN, 161:2 (1991),  199–202
  48. Georgii Timofeevich Zatsepin (On his seventieth birthday)

    UFN, 152:1 (1987),  175–176
  49. Vitalii Lazarevich Ginzburg (on his seventieth birthday)

    UFN, 150:2 (1986),  327–329
  50. Evgenii Mikhailovich Lifshitz (Obituary)

    UFN, 148:3 (1986),  549–550
  51. Yurii Borisovich Rumer (Obituary)

    UFN, 148:2 (1986),  385–386
  52. Efim Samoilovich Fradkin (on his sixtieth birthday)

    UFN, 142:3 (1984),  533–534
  53. Matvei Samsonovich Rabinovich (Obituary)

    UFN, 139:1 (1983),  185–186
  54. Dmitrii Vladimirovich Skobel'tsyn (on his ninetieth birthday)

    UFN, 138:3 (1982),  535–536
  55. Il'ya Mikhailovich Frank (on his seventieth birthday)

    UFN, 126:2 (1978),  343–347
  56. Vitalii Lazarevich Ginzburg (on his sixtieth birthday)

    UFN, 120:2 (1976),  323–329
  57. In memory of Igor' Evgen'evich Tamm

    UFN, 105:1 (1971),  163–164
  58. Il'ya Mikhailovich Frank (in honor of his sixtieth birthday)

    UFN, 96:2 (1968),  383–385
  59. Moisei Aleksandrovich Markov (on his sixtieth birthday)

    UFN, 95:2 (1968),  383–384
  60. Vitalii Lazarevich Ginzburg (on his fiftieth birthday)

    UFN, 90:1 (1966),  195–197
  61. Igor' Evgen'evich Tamm (on the occasion of his seventieth birthday)

    UFN, 86:2 (1965),  353–356
  62. Жизнь и деятельность Нильса Бора

    UFN, 80:2 (1963),  197–205
  63. Игорь Евгеньевич Тамм (К шестидесятилетию со дня рождения)

    UFN, 56:4 (1955),  469–475

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