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Agranovich Vladimir Moiseevich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Specific features of the hybridization of Frenkel and Wannier–Mott excitons in a microcavity

    Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 58:7 (2016),  1371–1381
  2. Singlets and triplets in hybrid nanodevices

    Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 99:6 (2014),  371–374
  3. Spatial dispersion and negative refraction of light

    UFN, 176:10 (2006),  1051–1068
  4. Negative refraction in the optical domain and nonlinear wave propagation

    UFN, 174:6 (2004),  683–684
  5. Charged Frenkel biexcitons in organic molecular crystals

    Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 73:7 (2001),  383–385
  6. Excitons and optical nonlinearities in hybrid organic-inorganic nanostructures

    UFN, 169:3 (1999),  348
  7. Flaring up of the impurity induced gyrotropy near the host exciton resonances

    Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 28:9 (1986),  2780–2784
  8. Linear Stark effect of centrosymmetric molecules in glassy matrices

    Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 28:9 (1986),  2757–2764
  9. Effects of strong anharmonicity in the spectra of optical phonons and polaritons

    UFN, 146:2 (1985),  267–302
  10. Contemporary problems of surface spectroscopy

    UFN, 143:3 (1984),  489–492
  11. Local biphonons in crystals with isotopic impurity

    Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 25:5 (1983),  1568–1570
  12. Spectroscopy of surface polaritons and the properties of the surface

    UFN, 131:3 (1980),  514–515
  13. Surface electromagnetic waves and Raman scattering on surface polaritons

    UFN, 126:4 (1978),  677–680
  14. Problems of modeling radiation damage in crystals

    UFN, 118:1 (1976),  3–51
  15. Electronic restructuring at the dielectric-metal boundary and the search for high-temperature superconductivity

    UFN, 117:3 (1975),  570–572
  16. Crystal optics of suface polaritons and the properties of surfaces

    UFN, 115:2 (1975),  199–237
  17. Effects of strong anharmonicity of phonons and their damping in polariton raman scattering spectra

    UFN, 113:4 (1974),  710–713
  18. Effects of the internal field in the spectra of molecular crystals and the theory of excitons

    UFN, 112:1 (1974),  143–171
  19. Scattering of Light with Formation of Excitons

    UFN, 105:4 (1971),  765–766
  20. The ion-electron emission of single crystals as dependent on the target temperature

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 162:4 (1965),  778–780
  21. Письмо в редакцию “Успехов физических наук”

    UFN, 79:1 (1963),  172
  22. Crystal optics with allowance for spatial dispersion; exciton theory. II

    UFN, 77:4 (1962),  663–725
  23. Crystal optics with allowance for spatial dispersion; exciton theory. I

    UFN, 76:4 (1962),  643–682
  24. The problem of the defects in the process of excition luminescence of molecular crystals

    UFN, 71:1 (1960),  141–149

  25. Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Kaplyanskii (on his 90th birthday)

    UFN, 190:12 (2020),  1343–1344
  26. In memory of Mikhail Dmitrievich Galanin

    UFN, 178:11 (2008),  1237–1238
  27. Immanuil Lazarevich Fabelinskii (on his eightieth birthday)

    UFN, 161:2 (1991),  199–202
  28. Колебательная спектроскопия молекулярных кристаллов

    UFN, 138:2 (1982),  355–356
  29. Своевременная книга о физике поверхности

    UFN, 136:2 (1982),  357–359
  30. Электронная структура благородных металлов. Поляритонный механизм рассеяния света

    UFN, 128:1 (1979),  187–188
  31. Две книги по рассеянию света в кристаллах

    UFN, 120:3 (1976),  519–521

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