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Bogomolov Alexey Sergeevich
Bogomolov Alexey Sergeevich
Associate professor
Doctor of technical sciences (2019)

Speciality: 05.13.01 (System analysis, the control and processing of information (separated by fields))
E-mail: ,
Keywords: safety, accident, crash, critical combination of events, system dynamics modeling, automaton, linear, interval, graph, synchronizing, regulation, optimality.


Prediction and prevention of the critical combination of events that cause accidents and disasters of human-machine systems.

Main publications:
  1. Bogomolov A.S., Speranskii D.V., “Optimalnye sinkhroniziruyuschie eksperimenty s lineinymi avtomatami.”, Avtomatika i telemekhanika, 2001, № 10, 203–208  mathscinet  zmath
  2. Bogomolov A.S., Speranskii D.V., “Ob odnom optimalnom sinkhroniziruyuschem eksperimente s lineinymi avtomatami”, Avtomatika i telemekhanika, 2001, № 10, 203–208  mathscinet  zmath
  3. Bogomolov A.S., Speranskii D.V., “Sinkhroniziruyuschie eksperimenty s intervalnymi lineinymi sistemami.”, Avtomatika i telemekhanika, 2002, № 6, 166–173  mathscinet  zmath

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