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Kirillin Alexander Vladimirovich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Graphite melting at “low” temperature

    TVT, 58:2 (2020),  215–231
  2. Preparation of diamond-like films in the process of magnetron sputtering of graphite target

    TVT, 47:1 (2009),  141–143
  3. Once more about the experimental investigation of the thermal properties of carbon

    UFN, 173:12 (2003),  1380–1381
  4. Experimental investigation of the thermal properties of carbon at high temperatures and moderate pressures

    UFN, 172:8 (2002),  931–944
  5. Melting parameters of carbon

    TVT, 36:5 (1998),  740–745
  6. The phase diargram of carbon in the neighborhood of the solid–liquid–vapor triple point

    TVT, 35:5 (1997),  716–721
  7. An experimental investigation of the specific features of homogeneous condensation in the field of laser radiation

    TVT, 33:3 (1995),  386–394
  8. Synthesis of binary compounds on a solid surface by photoactivation of the adatoms of components as demonstrated with $\mathrm{AlN}$

    TVT, 33:1 (1995),  33–39
  9. Determination of the fusion parameters of aluminum nitride

    TVT, 30:4 (1992),  731–737
  10. Synthesis of thin-films of aluminum nitride

    TVT, 27:6 (1989),  1185–1189
  11. Emissivity of tantalum carbide at elevated-temperatures

    TVT, 26:1 (1988),  75–80
  12. Laser thermal working of surfaces of metal parts

    TVT, 25:1 (1987),  125–129
  13. Apparatus and methods for examining the properties of refractory substances at high-temperatures and pressures by stationary laser-heating

    TVT, 24:2 (1986),  364–369
  14. Optical characteristics of laser-heated graphite materials

    TVT, 24:1 (1986),  76–81
  15. Stationary laser-heating in measuring the vapor-pressure of carbon at $5000$$7000$-degrees-K

    TVT, 23:4 (1985),  699–706
  16. A testbed for laser material processing

    TVT, 22:6 (1984),  1200–1205
  17. Method of experimental investigation of the optical characteristics of refractory materials at very high-temperature

    TVT, 22:1 (1984),  131–137
  18. Изменение тока тлеющего разряда в гелии при облучении положительного столба $\mathrm{CO}_2$-лазером

    TVT, 21:6 (1983),  1223–1225
  19. Investigation of the condensed phase - carbon gas phase transitions in the vicinity of graphite-liquid – gas triple point up to the pressures of $400$ bars

    Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 257:6 (1981),  1356–1359
  20. Fast automated-system for high-temperature ($2500$$6000$-degrees-K) measurements of samples heated by laser-radiation

    TVT, 19:4 (1981),  839–848
  21. A cryogenic plasma in a helium glow-discharge – determination of the excitation constant for the $\mathrm{He}(2^3S)$ level

    TVT, 19:3 (1981),  475–484
  22. A Laser Heating System for Researching the Parameters of Refractory Substances at High Temperatures and Pressures

    TVT, 18:5 (1980),  966–973
  23. Decay rates of the helium $3^1D$ level excited by a nanosecond discharge

    TVT, 18:4 (1980),  668–676
  24. Влияние лазерного излучения ($10{,}6$ мк) на тлеющий криогенный разряд в гелии

    TVT, 17:2 (1979),  435–437
  25. Уравнение состояния цезиевой плазмы при $p = 30 \div 140$ атм и $T = 3000 \div 4000^{\circ}$К, полученное методом адиабатического сжатия

    TVT, 15:1 (1977),  1–7
  26. High-resolution interferometer measurement of neutral gas temperature on axis of a cryogenic glow-discharge in helium

    TVT, 14:5 (1976),  1085–1088
  27. Reaction of weakly ionized plasma to high-voltage nanosecond pulse

    TVT, 13:6 (1975),  1281–1282
  28. A glow discharge in helium at cryogenic temperatures

    TVT, 13:5 (1975),  933–942
  29. Emission from a pulsed discharge in helium

    TVT, 13:1 (1975),  195–198
  30. Nanosecond discharge in a weakly ionized plasma

    TVT, 13:1 (1975),  40–44
  31. Исследование цезиевой плазмы методом адиабатического сжатия

    TVT, 12:6 (1974),  1302–1305
  32. Тлеющий разряд в гелии при криогенных температурах

    TVT, 11:4 (1973),  706–712
  33. Возможность применения метода адиабатического сжатия для исследования цезиевой плазмы

    TVT, 11:2 (1973),  261–265
  34. Observation of periodic oscillations in a low-pressure helium discharge and some comparative characteristics on cooling the discharge to $77^{\circ}$K

    TVT, 8:5 (1970),  1083–1084
  35. Spectral intensities of the radiation from air and carbon dioxide plasmas

    TVT, 8:4 (1970),  905–908
  36. К вопросу о непрерывном излучении азотной плазмы

    TVT, 6:4 (1968),  746–749
  37. Опытное определение коэффициента теплопроводности плазмы аргона

    TVT, 3:5 (1965),  677–685

  38. In memory of Anatolii Pavlovich Nefedov

    UFN, 171:5 (2001),  573–574
  39. Исследование разрядов при криогенной температуре

    TVT, 15:5 (1977),  1133

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