Publications in Math-Net.Ru
Об удержании и ускорении ионов полем виртуального катода в плазме наносекундного вакуумного разряда
TVT, 62:5 (2024), 655–660
Регулярные пульсации температуры графитовых образцов при квазистационарном джоулевом нагреве
TVT, 62:2 (2024), 264–271
The growth of submillimeter spherules on a graphite surface under prolonged heating
TVT, 60:4 (2022), 565–574
Vacuum arcs with diffuse cathode attachment (review)
TVT, 58:4 (2020), 515–535
Graphite melting at “low” temperature
TVT, 58:2 (2020), 215–231
Liquid phase formation on graphite electrode surface in arc discharge
TVT, 56:3 (2018), 338–345
The airflow effect on a negative corona discharge
Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 42:17 (2016), 64–69
Melt formation on the graphite electrode surface in a diffusive arc discharge
TVT, 54:5 (2016), 681–692
Peculiarities of Volt–Ampere Characteristics of a Tungsten Cathode in a High-Current Arc
TVT, 49:2 (2011), 177–186
Coulomb Screening in the Strongly Coupled Ionic Liquid [$\mathrm{BMIM}$][$\mathrm{PF}_6$]
TVT, 49:1 (2011), 133–135
Frequency response characteristics of trichel pulses and the behavior of the cathode spot in a negative corona discharge
Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 86:5 (2007), 354–355
Ozone synthesis in cryogenic plasma
TVT, 36:6 (1998), 870–876
Устройство для предотвращения развития дугового пробоя
TVT, 30:1 (1992), 185–188
Dynamics of energy dissipation in nanosecond corona discharges
TVT, 29:6 (1991), 1053–1059
Growth of a nanosecond discharge in a conical shell
TVT, 29:5 (1991), 833–839
Профиль избыточного заряда в ионизующей волне градиента потенциала
TVT, 20:6 (1982), 1189–1191
Synchronized diagnostics of wave breakdown in long pipes
TVT, 19:3 (1981), 587–594
Две фазы развития наносекундного разряда в слабоионизованной плазме
TVT, 16:6 (1978), 1309–1311
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