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D'yachkov Lev Gavriilovich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Быстрое вращение пылевой структуры в области сужения канала тока тлеющего разряда в магнитном поле $\sim1$ Тл

    TVT, Forthcoming paper
  2. Investigation of rotation of dust particles in a stratified glow discharge in strong magnetic fields taking into account the influence of ion drag

    TVT, 60:6 (2022),  938–941
  3. Specific features of the distribution of atomic-level occupancies in highly ionized helium arc plasma

    TVT, 56:4 (2018),  631–634
  4. Smooth transition from spectral lines to continuum in dense hydrogen plasma

    TVT, 54:1 (2016),  7–12
  5. A simple analytical model of the Coulomb cluster in a cylindrically symmetric parabolic trap

    TVT, 53:5 (2015),  649–657
  6. Studies on nonideal plasma published in the pages of the journal Teplofizika Vysokikh Temperatur (High Temperature) for the last 50 years (1963–2012): A bibliographic review

    TVT, 51:3 (2013),  326–344
  7. Coulomb ensemble of charged diamagnetic macroparticles in an inhomogeneous magnetic field under microgravity conditions

    Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 94:7 (2011),  548–552
  8. Dusty plasma structures in magnetic fields in a dc discharge

    Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 86:6 (2007),  414–419
  9. Thermograms of melting of thin plates heated by laser radiation with modulated intensity

    TVT, 44:5 (2006),  673–681
  10. Electrostatic Potential of Charged Macroparticles in Plasma under Conditions of Thermal Equilibrium

    TVT, 43:3 (2005),  331–342
  11. Calculation of probability of destruction of bound atom states in plasma microfields

    TVT, 35:5 (1997),  823–826
  12. Continuous radiation of a dense plasma of inert gases: Analysis of experimental data

    TVT, 34:6 (1996),  867–876
  13. The calculation of continuous radiative spectra of a plasma

    TVT, 30:5 (1992),  868–875
  14. Quasi-classical approximation in quantum-defect calculations of continuous plasma absorption

    TVT, 29:3 (1991),  409–417
  15. О влиянии плазменных микрополей на припороговый спектр атома водорода

    TVT, 25:4 (1987),  779–781
  16. О функции распределения микропотенциала в неидеальной плазме

    TVT, 23:3 (1985),  603–606
  17. Distribution of oscillator-strengths in centrosymmetrical models of a compressed hydrogen-atom

    TVT, 23:1 (1985),  1–9
  18. Излучение электрона при рассеянии на потенциальной яме. Связь между сечениями тормозного излучения и упругого рассеяния

    TVT, 20:3 (1982),  582–584
  19. Bremsstrahlung near a level formation threshold

    TVT, 19:4 (1981),  686–696
  20. Излучение плазмы воздуха высокого давления

    TVT, 17:2 (1979),  266–273
  21. Contribution of negative-ions to continuum spectra of plasmas

    TVT, 14:4 (1976),  681–685

  22. Физика плазмы на страницах журнала “Теплофизика высоких температур”. К $60$-летию журнала

    TVT, 61:5 (2023),  643–644

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