Publications in Math-Net.Ru
Utility and risk models in aging systems control problems
Probl. Upr., 2007, no. 5, 15–20
Dynamics model in aging systems control problems
Probl. Upr., 2007, no. 4, 2–7
Preventive safety problem. The model and decision-making methods
Probl. Upr., 2006, no. 5, 2–11
The invariance principle and attracting sets for autonomous
Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 349:1 (1996), 46–48
On the stable dynamics of strategic weapons of a “multipolar world”
Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 346:4 (1996), 462–464
On military strategic equilibrium in a multipolar world
Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 346:2 (1996), 172–175
On the theory of differential equations that arise in the dynamics of systems with friction. II
Differ. Uravn., 32:6 (1996), 769–773
On the theory of differential equations that arise in the dynamics of systems with friction. I
Differ. Uravn., 32:5 (1996), 606–614
On the existence of right-sided solutions of the differential equations of the dynamics of mechanical systems with dry friction
Differ. Uravn., 32:2 (1996), 185–192
On properties of right-hand side solutions of the equations of the
dynamics of mechanical systems with sliding friction
Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 343:1 (1995), 53–56
Solutions of differential equations of the dynamics of mechanical
systems with sliding friction
Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 336:1 (1994), 57–60
Nonlinear analysis of the dynamics and control of complex systems with distributed parameters
Differ. Uravn., 26:11 (1990), 1843–1859
Derivation of theorems on dynamic properties with vector-valued Ljapunov functions for differential equations with perturbations
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 255:3 (1980), 521–525
The comparison principle in the theory of differential equations with perturbations
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 253:4 (1980), 807–811
Die Vergleichsmethode in der Dynamik der Systeme. II
Differ. Uravn., 11:3 (1975), 403–417
The comparison method in the dynamics of systems. I, II
Differ. Uravn., 10:9 (1974), 1547–1559
The comparison principle with a vector-valued Ljapunov function. IV
Differ. Uravn., 5:12 (1969), 2129–2143
The comparison principle with a vector-valued Ljapunov function. III
Differ. Uravn., 5:7 (1969), 1171–1185
The comparison principle with a vector-valued Ljapunov function. II
Differ. Uravn., 4:10 (1968), 1739–1752
The comparison principle with a vector-valued Ljapunov function. I
Differ. Uravn., 4:8 (1968), 1374–1386
Differential equations and inequalities with discontinuous right hand sides. II
Differ. Uravn., 3:5 (1967), 839–848
Differential equations and inequalities with discontinuous right member. I
Differ. Uravn., 3:3 (1967), 395–409
Nikolai Nikolaevich Krasovskii (a tribute in honor of his 80th birthday)
Differ. Uravn., 40:11 (2004), 1443–1456
Valentin Vital'evich Rumyantsev (A tribute in honor of his 80th birthday)
Differ. Uravn., 37:12 (2001), 1587–1592
Ivan Vasil'evich Gaǐshun (on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday)
Differ. Uravn., 33:6 (1997), 723–729
Международная научная школа «Метод функций Ляпунова и его приложения»
Differ. Uravn., 26:10 (1990), 1833–1834
VI Всесоюзная конференция по качественной теории дифференциальных уравнений
Differ. Uravn., 23:4 (1987), 729–730
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