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Pashkevich Yu G

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. Temperature dependence of the spin state of a Co$^{3+}$ Ion in RCoO$_3$ ($R$ = La, Gd) cobaltites

    Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 99:8 (2014),  547–551
  2. FeO double-well potential as a result of spin density redistribution

    Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 89:4 (2009),  191–193
  3. AFMR spectrum and energy gap of a rhombic antiferromagnet near the spin–flip transition

    Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 31:6 (1989),  139–143
  4. Temperature behavior of the antiferromagnetic resonance exchange modes in $\mathrm{CuCl}_{2}\cdot 2\mathrm{H}_{2}\mathrm{O}$

    Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 30:4 (1988),  1251–1253
  5. Magnetoacoustic resonance in antiferromagnets in the region of magnetic sublattice collapse phase transition

    Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 26:10 (1984),  3035–3041
  6. On «relaxation» mechanism gap formation in a soft mode spectrum at spin-reorientation phase transition

    Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 26:6 (1984),  1786–1790
  7. Some peculiarities of antiferromagnetic resonance in rhombic antiferromagnets with dzyaloshinskii interaction $(\mathrm{C}_{2}\mathrm{H}_{5}\mathrm{NH}_{3})_{}2\cdot \mathrm{CuCl}_{4}$

    Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 26:5 (1984),  1297–1305
  8. Uniaxial pressure effect on Neel temperature of $\mathrm{CuCl}_{2}\cdot2\mathrm{H}_{2}\mathrm{O}$ antiferromagnets

    Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 25:3 (1983),  915–917

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