Publications in Math-Net.Ru
Melting of carbon heated by focused laser radiation in air at atmospheric pressure and temperature below 4000 K
Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 84:5 (2006), 315–319
On the possibility of studying the temporal evolution of a surface relief directly during exposure to high-power radiation
Kvantovaya Elektronika, 36:6 (2006), 569–575
Features of image colouring in a projection microscopebased on a copper vapour laser with an unstable resonatorand a Glan prism
Kvantovaya Elektronika, 34:6 (2004), 583–588
A stationary vacuum arc with a diffuse spot on a nonemitting chrome cathode
TVT, 41:5 (2003), 670–678
Laser-monitor-assisted investigation of the regions of closure of current on the electrodes of an atmospheric-pressure low-current carbon arc
TVT, 39:5 (2001), 794–809
Transient laser-induced thermochemical processes on metal surfaces and their visualisation with a laser image amplifier
Kvantovaya Elektronika, 25:4 (1998), 337–340
Dynamic processes during laser hardening of chrome coatings
TVT, 36:4 (1998), 674–676
Development of technological and power-generating solar facilities: New approach
TVT, 35:5 (1997), 807–814
Possibility of cw lasing on self-terminating transitions of metal atoms
Kvantovaya Elektronika, 20:3 (1993), 227–232
Зеркальные экраны как средство увеличения эффективной поглощательной и уменьшения эффективной излучательной способностей тел, нагреваемых излучением
TVT, 30:2 (1992), 426–428
Copper vapor laser with an average specific output power exceeding 1 W/cm3
Kvantovaya Elektronika, 18:10 (1991), 1178–1180
Prospects for development of cw gas-discharge collision lasers based on self-terminating atomic transitions
Kvantovaya Elektronika, 18:2 (1991), 189–194
Application of optical systems with intensity amplifiers for investigation of surfaces of graphite and pyrographite electrodes during burning of an arc
TVT, 29:6 (1991), 1204–1210
Interaction of a surface with its vapor plasma after the termination of a laser pulse
TVT, 28:6 (1990), 1093–1100
Radial inhomogeneities of the active medium plasma parameters in a self-heated copper vapor laser during the interpulse period
Kvantovaya Elektronika, 16:11 (1989), 2216–2224
Making a repetitively pulsed copper-vapor laser with a specific power of over $1$ W/cm$^3$ and a practical efficiency at the $8$-percent level
TVT, 27:6 (1989), 1190–1198
Feasibility of measuring the absolute temperature distribution of the surface of ceramic samples by a luminescence thermal imaging method
TVT, 27:5 (1989), 976–979
Possibility of measuring the absolute temperature of ceramics by the method of laser-induced luminescence
TVT, 27:2 (1989), 347–351
Calculation of the parameters of cw lasing due to 2p–1s atomic transitions excited by discharges in pure rare gases
Kvantovaya Elektronika, 15:10 (1988), 1981–1984
New opportunity for using diatomic molecules in lasers pumped with solar radiation
Kvantovaya Elektronika, 15:9 (1988), 1791–1796
Nonuniformity of a discharge in a copper-vapor laser and its effect on the gas temperature
TVT, 26:4 (1988), 671–680
Investigation of quasi-cw lasing due to a self-terminating transition of the calcium atom in a hollow-cathode discharge
Kvantovaya Elektronika, 14:11 (1987), 2162–2167
Relaxation of metastable atoms in the interpulse period in a repetitive pulse laser on self-limited transitions
TVT, 25:4 (1987), 773–777
Energy characteristics of cw gas-discharge lasers utilizing self-terminating atomic transitions. II. Calculation of lasing characterisics
Kvantovaya Elektronika, 13:11 (1986), 2236–2242
Energy characteristics of cw gas-discharge lasers utilizing self-terminating atomic transitions. I. Experimental investigation of quasi-cw barium vapor lasers
Kvantovaya Elektronika, 13:11 (1986), 2228–2235
Emission spectrum of a manganese vapor laser and its evolution in time
Kvantovaya Elektronika, 13:4 (1986), 828–830
Effect of the nonuniformity of the discharge on the gas temperature in copper-vapor lasers operating in the repetitive pulse mode
TVT, 23:4 (1985), 667–672
Relaxation of the 4s2 2D5/2 metastable level of the copper atom in the afterglow of a pulsed discharge in a copper vapor laser
Kvantovaya Elektronika, 11:11 (1984), 2191–2196
Lasers pumped by solar radiation (review)
Kvantovaya Elektronika, 11:2 (1984), 233–257
К вопросу о температуре газа в лазере на парах меди
TVT, 22:1 (1984), 168–170
Relaxation of the concentration of metastable copper atoms in the afterglow of a CuI laser with a supraoptimal wall temperature
Kvantovaya Elektronika, 10:9 (1983), 1866–1868
Time dependence of the electron density in the afterglow of copper halide lasers operating in the double-pulse excitation regime
Kvantovaya Elektronika, 10:6 (1983), 1092–1097
Numerical-analysis of parameters of self-heating copper vapor lasers
TVT, 21:5 (1983), 976–981
Quasi-cw lasing due to transitions from the resonance 1P1 to the metastable 1D2 level of the calcium atom
Kvantovaya Elektronika, 9:10 (1982), 2075–2077
Influence of electron heating during recombination of copper atoms in copper halide vapor lasers on their output parameters
Kvantovaya Elektronika, 9:7 (1982), 1313–1317
Radial-distribution of the plasma parameters in the afterglow from a periodic high-voltage pulsed discharge in mixtures of bismuth vapor with inert-gases
TVT, 20:5 (1982), 806–811
Распределение атомов и молекул по радиусу разрядной трубки в лазере на парах галогенидов меди
TVT, 20:3 (1982), 580–582
К.П.Д. лазеров на парах меди
TVT, 20:1 (1982), 177–180
On the poly parametric optimization of copper-vapor lasers
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 256:4 (1981), 831–834
Infrared emission from a lead vapor laser
Kvantovaya Elektronika, 8:5 (1981), 1098–1100
Feasibility of a solar-radiation-pumped color-center crystal laser
Kvantovaya Elektronika, 8:3 (1981), 634–636
О возможности получения непрерывной генерации на самоограниченных переходах в электрическом разряде
TVT, 19:6 (1981), 1304–1306
Parameters of collisional lasers based on self-limited transitions with optical-pumping
TVT, 19:5 (1981), 937–944
Kinetics of recombination of copper atoms in copper halide vapor lasers
Kvantovaya Elektronika, 7:8 (1980), 1813–1820
Plasma parameters in the afterglow of a copper vapor laser
Kvantovaya Elektronika, 7:5 (1980), 988–992
Limiting Mean Power Output from a Copper-Vapor Laser
TVT, 18:4 (1980), 707–712
Possibility of obtaining efficient cw stimulated emission from optically pumped lasers utilizing self-terminating transitions
Kvantovaya Elektronika, 6:5 (1979), 1077–1080
Спектральный состав индуцированного излучения лазера на парах меди и его временная эволюция
TVT, 17:3 (1979), 483–489
Неоднородность разряда в лазере на парах меди
TVT, 17:1 (1979), 208–209
О некоторых особенностях работы схемы с резонансной перезарядкой накопительной емкости, используемой для возбуждения лазеров на самоограниченных переходах
TVT, 17:1 (1979), 27–30
Температура газа в лазере на парах меди
TVT, 16:6 (1978), 1145–1151
Предельные характеристики лазеров на самоограниченных переходах
TVT, 16:5 (1978), 1080–1085
Appearance of interelectrode arcs and electric fluctuations in an MHD channel
TVT, 15:6 (1977), 1294–1302
Подавление ионнозвуковой столкновительной неустойчивости газоразрядной замагниченной плазмы СВЧ-электромагнитным полем
TVT, 15:4 (1977), 722–727
Role of buffer gases in lasers working on copper vapors
TVT, 14:6 (1976), 1316–1319
Влияние СВЧ-поля на ионно-звуковую неустойчивость однородной плазмы
TVT, 12:6 (1974), 1306–1307
Влияние СВЧ-поля на неоднородности неравновесной плазмы газового разряда низкого давления
TVT, 11:1 (1973), 19–27
Стабилизированный магнитным полем СВЧ-разряд
TVT, 9:6 (1971), 1289–1290
Экспериментальное исследование движения фронта ионизации в СВЧ-электромагнитном поле
TVT, 9:5 (1971), 896–900
Determination of the rate of movement of the drops of a two-phase flow using the transit-time method
TVT, 8:4 (1970), 863–867
Errata to the article: Energy characteristics of cw gas-discharge lasers utilizing self-terminating atomic transitions. I. Experimental investigation of quasi-cw barium vapor lasers
Kvantovaya Elektronika, 14:4 (1987), 896
Особенности нагрева материалов в солнечно-лазерной печи (№ 6220-86 Деп. от 28.VIII.1986)
TVT, 24:6 (1986), 1231
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