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Matveev German Anatol'evich

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

  1. MPI+T++ hybrid programming for T-system with open architecture

    Meždunar. nauč.-issled. žurn., 2024, no. 1(139),  1–8
  2. Implementation of the LAMMPS package using T-system with an Open Architecture

    Informatics and Automation, 20:4 (2021),  971–999
  3. Integration of Mantevo MiniAMR and OpenTS. Comparison of OpenTS DMPI and Open MPI

    Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 9:4 (2018),  361–381
  4. Integration of Ray Tracing system Tachyon and T-system with an open architecture (OpenTS)

    Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 8:4 (2017),  319–326
  5. Meta-Stochastic adaptive algorithms and theirs implementation with parallel programming system T++ & MPI

    Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 8:1 (2017),  173–191
  6. Solving the 2D Poisson PDE by Gauss-Seidel method with parallel programming system OpenTS

    Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 7:3 (2016),  99–107
  7. Adaptive analysis of passwords’ reliability using computational power of hybrid supercomputers

    Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 6:4 (2015),  139–155
  8. Dynamic parallel algorithm of mesh adaptive refinement for numerical solution of differential equations

    Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 6:3 (2015),  53–60
  9. Implementation of T-system with an open architecture for CUDA devices supporting dynamic parallelism and for hybrid computing clusters

    Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 6:1 (2015),  175–188
  10. Methods of adaptation of the OpenTS parallel programming system runtime for the hybrid computing clusters

    Program Systems: Theory and Applications, 4:4 (2013),  17–31
  11. Socio-ecological-economic region model in parallel computing

    UBS, 32 (2011),  109–130
  12. Особенности термомагнитных эффектов в $n$-Ge вблизи перехода металл–диэлектрик

    Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 22:8 (1988),  1396–1400
  13. Термоэдс $n$-Ge вблизи перехода металл–диэлектрик

    Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 22:5 (1988),  839–843
  14. Низкотемпературные особенности явлений переноса в $n$-Ge вблизи перехода металл–диэлектрик

    Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 22:5 (1988),  799–805
  15. Hall Effect in Uniaxially Deformed $n$-Type Ge near the Metal-Semiconductor Transition

    Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 21:2 (1987),  222–230
  16. On the Negative Temperature Coefficient of $n$-Ge Resistance near the Metal-Dielectric Transition

    Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 20:3 (1986),  515–524
  17. Conduction of Ge(Sb) in High Magnetic Fields

    Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 18:4 (1984),  589–594
  18. Токовые неустойчивости в $n$-GaAs в сильных магнитных полях

    Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, 17:5 (1983),  850–853

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