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Tsupak Aleksei Aleksandrovich
Associate professor
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2004)

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Keywords: acoustic and electromagnetic diffracrion; integral, integro-differential, and pseudodiferential equations; numerical methods
UDC: 517.6, 517.958, 595.9
MSC: 78A45


Diffraction of acoustic and electromagnetic waves by systems screens and inhomogeneous solids

Main publications:
  1. Smirnov Yu.G., Tsupak A.A., “Metod integralnykh uravnenii v skalyarnoi zadache difraktsii na chastichno ekranirovannom neodnorodnom tele”, Differentsialnye uravneniya, 51:9 (2015), 1234–1244  crossref
  2. Smirnov Yu.G., Tsupak A.A., “O fredgolmovosti uravneniya elektricheskogo polya v vektornoi zadache difraktsii na ob'emnom chastichno ekranirovannom tele”, Differentsialnye uravneniya, 52:9 (2016), 1242–1251  crossref
  3. Smirnov Yu.G., Tsupak A.A., Valovik D.V., “On the volume singular integro-differential equation approach for the electromagnetic diffraction problem”, DOI: 10.1080/00036811.2015.1115839, Applicable Analysis: An International Journal, 2015  mathscinet
  4. Smirnov Yu.G., Tsupak A.A., “Existence and uniqueness theorems in electromagnetic diffraction on systems of lossless dielectrics and perfectly conducting screens”, DOI: 10.1080/00036811.2016.1188289, Applicable Analysis: An International Journal, 2016  mathscinet
  5. Smirnov Yu.G., Tsupak A.A., Matematicheskaya teoriya difraktsii akusticheskikh i elektromagnitnykh voln na sisteme ekranov i neodnrodnykh, RuScience, g. Moskva, 2016

Publications in Math-Net.Ru

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